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TB Joshua's wife and children

Even a man of God has a family. Prophet TB Joshua Wife and family has always been strangers to public life. Still, what is so special about a man of God family? How do they live knowing that their father is one of the wealthiest and popular pastors in Nigeria?

TB Joshua wife and children

TB Joshua wife and children

Prophet TB Joshua wife and children have always stayed out of the scandals connected with the leader of The Synagogue Church of all Nations. Temitope Balogun Joshua is one of the wealthiest pastors in Nigeria. He controls Emmanuel TV station, which is the largest Christian TV station in Nigeria. He has more than 2,5 million fans on Facebook, and his Youtube channel videos have more than 300 million views. What is about TB Joshua`s family? How are they holding up?

TB Joshua`s Family

His family played a major role in his becoming a leader of The Synagogue Church of All Nations. Even his birth is surrounded by mystery. TB Joshua informs that he spent 15 months in his mother`s womb. He also informs that his birth was prophesied one century prior. He is now happily married to Evelyn Joshua. There are three children in the family.

TB Joshua Wife

TB Joshua wife and children

TB Joshua wife and children

Evelyn Joshua is an adorable wife of TB Joshua. She is now a minister at the Synagogue Church. TB Joshua Wife is the second most powerful person in the Synagogue Church of all Nations. Evelyn is a workaholic and always work together with her husband. She considers herself very lucky as she married to a man of God. It`s interesting that no one knew about TB Joshua`s wife until she was interviewed a few years ago. Many people wondered who could be a wife of the Prophet TB Joshua. She is a beautiful, strong and charismatic woman. Her husband is one of the richest pastors on the planet, still, even with all the riches, she prefers to wear modest clothes. Evelyn Joshua is also a faithful believer in her husband`s prophecies.

TB Joshua marriage proposal

TB Joshua marriage proposal

TB Joshua wife and children

According to the words of TB Joshua, the meeting with his future wife was arranged by the divine power. He proposed to Evelyn on the same day when they met. At the first moments after the proposal, she was skeptical about this. Nevertheless, she said “yes,” and now they are happily married for more than a quarter of a century. Evelyn says that she does not regret that she accepted the proposal. Eventually, it turned to be a happy marriage with three children. Moreover, unlike other men, TB Joshua did not give any reason to think that he cherished male children over female ones.

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TB Joshua Children

The happy marriage between prophet TB Joshua and his wife provided them, three children. Two of these children came into a spot of news.

Serah Joshua

Serah Joshua

TB Joshua wife and children

She is a graduate of the London

School of Economics under the Department of Law. She is very happy to be the first born of TB Joshua. Serah also says that she is privileged to be a part of the family of this great man. In her future career, she looks after her father as an example of many virtues. According to her words, one of the greatest characteristics of TB Joshua is humility. Serah is a true believer that her father is a man of God, but she also admits that there are other opinions.

TB Joshua is very proud of his daughter, and Serah always tries not to disappoint her father. TB Joshua`s encouragement to her future life is to treat further destiny as an experience. She also provided information, that her status of a daughter of the richest pastor in Nigeria does not open all doors. Serah does not believe that it`s necessary to implement her father in the studies and further career. Nevertheless, she is a father`s pet and wants to follow his example in her future life and career.

Promise Joshua

Promise Joshua

TB Joshua wife and children

It`s a second daughter of TB Joshua and sister to Serah Joshua. She is studying International Relations and Politics at the London School of Economics. She is grateful to be a daughter of a man of God and not only because of the richness, but also because of the true faithful family. TB Joshua as a father was not strict, but he could be harsh when it was needed. Promise Joshua follows the ideas of Jesus and Evangelism. According to her words, TB Joshua is a true example of honor and man. Even if she hears negative comments about her dad, she believes that he is on the right pass.

One of the greatest things that Promise Joshua learned from her father is that changes are good. Growing up in the TB Joshua`s family is an experience to remember. Not every child in Nigeria can be blessed to be born in the pastor`s family, especially a rich one. One of the greatest gifts that Promise Joshua received from her father is the Holy Bible. She cherishes her family traditions and faith.

Third Child of TB Joshua

TB Joshua wife and children

Third Child of TB Joshua

There is not much information about the third child of TB Joshua. The family apparently hides information about the child. Still, many people wondering about the future of the third prophet TB Joshua child.

TB Joshua is one of the most influential persons not only in Nigeria but in the whole Africa. He is one of the richest pastors in Nigeria. She has a wife and three children. The family greatly influenced his work and future. It seems that without their support, he wouldn`t be one of the greatest pastors. TB Joshua is considered a man to follow. Many people believe in his prophecies and his church. TB Joshua wife and children are also great believers in the Synagogue Church of All Nations. Moreover, Evelyn Joshua is the second most powerful person in the church.

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