Almost everyone just once in his life has heard about MMM in Nigeria. Nowadays it is frozen. However, it was so “successful”, of course, for the all-time rogues, that the attempts to rekindle the former strength but in another scheme are endless. Donation Hub is considered the latest Ponzi Scheme, which has managed to seize the minds all over the Internet.
About Donation Hub
How does Donation Hub work?
In order to draw a meaning of this system it would be better to answer the question – How does Donation Hub work? There are some hidden rules you should know.
The Donor:
- Don’t make any donations if you are not ready for this step, you should know that everything is done freely. So that all the participants bear responsibility by themselves.
- Be sure you will send the necessary amount of money in order to avoid confirmation delay by another side – the recipient.
- Exchange your money only with the help of trustworthy online converters of money. This is your key success factor if you are going to make currency transaction. Confirm the sum of money before the sending to the recipient to reduce frustration.
- Dealing with bitcoins, be sure that you copy your account or address without mistakes. Before doing this, try to ask google about the current exchange rate not to be confused after the transaction.
The Recipient:
- Don’t confirm any donations if you haven’t received money on your account. It can be bitcoins, mobile money, local transfer whatever…
- If the transaction was successful and you have already received the necessary donation you should as quick as possible confirm this in the system for the donor.
- One more point is that there is no donation after the reservation and communications to the donor (within 15 hours) you have a right to write a complaint letter to the support. The donor will be punished – blocked on a permanent basis or suspended.
- Be online at the time of donation in order to make it easy – to receive the donation, to confirm it or to write to the support if something went wrong. Complete the transactions in real time with another side.
Bonus Program
How does Donation Hub work?
The Donation Hub will pay 15 dollars per one person if you help him/her to make a registration, log in and make the first step – to donate. This is a common thing for such services – to create a certain kind of motivation for the sake of one final goal. This money will be available on your account or will be added just for future donations.
If we come back to the MMM in Nigeria it will be great to remind about their promises – you receive at least 30% of all the money in addition to your investment. Speaking about the last one – Donation Hub, their promise is about 50% besides your investment body.
There is a very clever and cunning system according to which you won’t receive the entire 50%. In fact, only 20% are available in order to keep its followers (donors and recipients) acting within the system. Everything is done in such a way that you have a great desire to re-donate your money, not to miss an opportunity to put the claw on your money as long as possible.
READ ALSO: Real reason MMM Nigeria was frozen
This is one of the ways how to keep Ponzi Scheme alive. Analysts have already come to a conclusion according to this movement. It’s dangerous to put your money in such trust-related companies and organizations.
Donation Hub has successfully presented itself on the market as a “Channel for participants all
According to the statistics made up on the Internet, the overwhelming majority of the users and consumers are from Nigeria. They constitute almost 98% from the whole number of the followers. Another 2% are from the USA. It can be even funny, but according to the traffic, the remaining number of users is considered to be also Nigerians who live abroad.
How does Donation Hub work?
Owners of the Donation Hub has officially claimed that their fund is not Ponzi Scheme, as well as the users of this resource presented the information that everything is okay with it, nothing extraordinary. However, they are engaged in the suspicious activity. There is no detailed information about the owners, just general data, which is presented as from the official side.
This organization has no organizational structure. What you can find on the websites of great interwebs sounds like: “We are the group of people who has an intention to help each other selflessly”. Do you really believe in these words?
Has Donation Hub crashed?
Currently, we may say that there are more than 2000 registered users. According to the collected data on the Internet, the overall amount of money which was given in return to investments and donations is $22 million. Nevertheless, we can’t find a person who would be able to proof the originality of this numbers or at least the faithfulness.
The Donation Hub has started it activity in November last year. We may say that it’s too early to give the final answer to this question. This fund hasn’t overcome all the stages yet to confirm its financial insolvency. Only time will tell which will come true.
How does Donation Hub work?
One more point which is worth to be mentioned is the currency. You have a possibility to donate using your Bitcoins, dollars, local currency whatever… You should understand that using an e-currency is supposed to be more convenient for the owners of this scheme to withdraw cash from electronic money. They can do such transactions in every country they wish.
Summing up the article, we may say that Donation Hub is a new variation of Ponzi Scheme. As you have already seen, there are no traces to the owners or the staff, who is running or direct the management of this fund.
The resource has a very sophisticated website. So it’s just a way to attract newcomers who will donate their money as well as re-donate received benefits. The pseudo-transparent engineering of the site can’t give you some minimal guarantees that after the donation your money will be in safe place and will not be cashed somewhere in the Bahamas.
Such schemes are losing business for everyone who has a desire to participate. They often fail, this is just matter of time.
READ ALSO: MMM asks participants to begin new investments
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