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Top 5 African queens in the history

Top African queens

Top 5 African queens in the history

Are you interested in African history? What do you know about black queens? What are African queens names? What can African legends tell us? Read and see.

What are African queen names?

A memorable date was established in 1962 by the decision of the African women’s conference held in Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania.

After years of slavery and oppression of the African women, they gained the right to occupy their place in society, African women in today’s world are engaged in politics and changing the world for the better.



Top 5 African queens in the history

The most famous African woman in the entire African history, Nefertiti was the main wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten of XVIII dynasty. She, apparently, was a stepmother or mother-in-law of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Nefertiti became world famous by her bust, now kept in the Berlin Egyptian Museum. This is one of those works of art of Ancient Egypt, which is often copied. Its creation is attributed to the sculptor Thutmose, in whose Studio it was actually found. The bust itself is outstanding because it shows how skilled were ancient Egyptians in the realistic reproduction of human beings.

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Nefertiti had many titles, for example, in Italy there are inscriptions: “the Successor, The one that has Charm and is distributing Happiness, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt, Chief Royal Wife, whom he loves, Lady of the Two Lands, Nefertiti”.

Nefertiti and her husband are known for their current religious reform, which replaced ancient Egyptian religion to monotheism of the God Aten. In addition, she was known throughout all the Egypt for her outstanding beauty.

Amina, Zaria Queen

Top 5 African queens in history

Top 5 African queens in the history

Muslim Queen, warrior Amina (16-17 centuries), Princess of Zaria who made her military career. She personally, as a professional warrior, took part in military campaigns to conquer neighboring countries in order to expand their business and to improve trade ties for a long time, the state in the period of her reign experienced an economic dawn. She was offered to get married, have children, but she refused, saying she was afraid of losing power.

Was it an unusual thing or not is up to you to decide – after each battle, the camp is defeated she chose a man for the night and in the morning she doomed him to death so that the man never talked about a night together with Queen of Africa.

Peggielene Bartels, Ghana

Top 5 African queens

Top 5 African queens in the history

class="align-left">Five years ago, Peggielene Bartels worked as a Secretary outside Washington, D.C., USA. She lived in a one bedroom apartment, and her leisure activities were limited to cooking and other household chores.

One day in 2008, late in the evening she was awakened by a phone call. It turned out that her uncle, the king, died, and the vacant throne now is to be taken by Bartels. She became the first female king in Africa.

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Bartels graduated from University in England, then, she moved to the United States, where she became a citizen of this country in 1997. She decided to control the tribe at a distance via the Internet. After Bartels became the queen, it went on increasing and in the United States she became the second Secretary of the Embassy of Ghana.

Once a year she comes to Ghana to their tribe Otuam to handle the most complex cases. During this period, she wears a national dress, a gold scepter and a crown, lives in a big Palace.

With the help of American friends, she collects money in the US for the needs of Ghana, for example, computers in schools, treatment facilities in the hospital.



Top 5 African queens in the history

The name of the Queen is a subject of dispute, researchers give different options: Dihya (supporters of a Jewish origin), Damia (her believers). “Dihya” sounds more correct in Berber language and means “beautiful”.

There are many versions about the origin of Queen Dihya. According to one of them, Dihya came from a family who converted Berbers to Judaism, some researchers insist that she comes from a family of Berber Christians. Other researchers believe that she came from a family of poor Jews who lived in caves, and her father’s name was Tobit or Tuvia.

Islamic chroniclers described the Queen Dihuya as a very tall and powerful woman, dark, with huge black eyes and thick, black hair.

On her arrival and intention to tell the authorities that she was a young beauty and queen, a Berber leader of the oppressed inhabitants of her village demanded to give him a wife Dihya. During the wedding night Dihya killed the leader and seized power over his tribe. According to Ibn Khaldoun, the Berbers believed that the time of death of their Queen was the age of 127 years, of which more than 60 years she was African Queen.

Sakhmakh, Nubian queen


Top 5 African queens in the history

Sakhmakh, Nubian queen, a wife of the Kushite Pharaon Nastasen (IV century BC). Name Sakhmakh reffered to the titles: “king’s daughter”, “king’s wife” and “mistress of Egypt”.



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