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Importance of kiss: Facts should you know

No one can imagine a life without kisses. The kiss allows us to express our emotions, to tell without words about our feelings, so we understand that we are loved. But what each kiss means in a relationship? It is not a secret that the female gender pays special attention to the kiss, especially the first one.

couple kiss

Why is kiss important in a relationship?

In addition to psychological and sexual nature, touching the lips has a biological meaning. The kiss of a guy and a girl is like a test or an exam that gives an assessment of the development of further relationships. It is some kind of science of kissing.

Why is kiss important in a relationship of man and woman?

kiss important in a relationship

Why is kiss important in a relationship?

Few people know that a kiss can tell enough about you, as well as your mood at this moment. But the most obvious, at the moment of a touch by lips are sexual signals. If at the moment of kissing the lips are tightly compressed, then this is a sign that he is not interested in a kiss. And if his lips are slightly ajar, this is a willingness to continue the game, you can only accept the invitation.

Even the movement of the tongue will tell about the preferences in the love games. Note, if his tongue is soft and gentle, it means your partner loves affection and does not mind slow playing. But ‘the hard tongue’ says the opposite, if your partner is so, be prepared to get a dose of tireless and energetic fun.

It is generally believed that during a sweet kiss you should close your eyes, but there is a physiological explanation. It turns out that during the kiss, a huge amount of hormones are released in the body, it helps to expand the pupils, the light seems too bright for our eyes, so this is nothing else than the reflex action of our body. But do not forget that with closed eyes we do not pay attention to the surrounding reality, it allows us to immerse ourselves in and get a big pleasure from the kiss.

kiss in a relationship

Why is kiss important in a relationship?

A kiss is the best way to express your love, a gentle touch with your lips, what could be better? This beautiful mystery between a guy and a girl needs to be savored, do not rush. Many lovers will tell you that when you kiss a person who is not indifferent to you, your head is spinning, your heart is beating fast, your knees are shaking and you feel goosebumps.

At such times, we often lose control of our actions. Quite frankly, exactly what is written about in books and movies is happening indeed. The kiss of two lovers is the inhalation of a part of one’s soul into one another.

Kiss meaning from the psychological point of view

kiss importance

Why is kiss important in a relationship?

An important role in the relationship between a guy and a girl is given to a kiss. With the help of a kiss, we can understand how compatible partners are. At the moment of touching our lips, we seem to read a hidden message. Kisses are different: a friendly kiss, which is accompanied by light touches, an obliging smacking, presented in the form of a light touch, the most memorable one is the first kiss, and also a kiss-foreplay.

As often happens, lovers who have been together for a long time, forget about the importance of a kiss in their union, translating this sign of love into a mere formality. For example, they throw kisses before leaving, separation for a long time or in the form of gratitude for an appetizing dinner or clean clothes.

Kiss meaning

Why is kiss important in a relationship?

The worst thing is that the moment of intimacy passes without this attribute. Although, it is the kiss that brings the romance to any love affair. A married couple has much worse kisses, which were once a manifestation of love, but have become a victim of habit. Following the kisses, the intimate life disappears, making love become monotonous and gloomy. Even in such cases, you should not lose hope, it’s not a sign that love has passed, just kiss more often, and you will return your relationship to the former kind.

From a psychological point of view, the kiss can answer to numerous questions. For example, tell you if the partner is right for you. Even despite the strong attraction, the first kiss can reveal only the presence of a sweet friendship, and no passion at all. If this is your half, you will understand at the first touch of your lips.

Health benefits of kissing

Kiss benefits

Why is kiss important in a relationship?

Kissing is not only pleasant but also useful. This has long been spoken by all medical reference books. First of all, the kiss heals the soul, gives pleasant sensations, and this helps to get out of depression or stress. After all, the kiss is many times greater than the narcotic effects. Touching the lips of a loved one gives a feeling of happiness and joy.

During a passionate kiss, thirty muscles of the face come into motion. Therefore, long kisses are the best charging for the muscles, which is an excellent anti-wrinkle prevention. A kiss with a loved one affects the good side of the brain. And here’s another secret: when kissing useful substances are transferred (the proteins, fats, and minerals) increase immunity.

advantages of kissing

Why is kiss important in a relationship?

The number of advantages of kissing cannot be counted. For example, a person who kisses has the raised pulse, which leads to an improvement in blood circulation. Kissing can even help lose weight. A romantic kiss steals up to three calories, and French one – more than five.


most mysterious advantage of a long kiss, which no one can explain, is that simple kissing can help you get rid of hiccups. Do not be afraid that kissing transfers the bacteria and microbes, fortunately, there are antibodies in the human body that neutralize them, besides most of these bacteria are not dangerous.

kissing couple

Why is kiss important in a relationship?

If you get a headache – kiss, feel tired – kiss, bad mood – kiss. And all that because a kiss produces endorphin – a hormone of happiness that will save you from pain and sadness. Three kisses a day will help to wake up and create a romantic mood.

The most interesting thing is that thanks to the kiss, it is possible to prevent periodontal disease. During the kiss, a large amount of saliva is released, and, as it is known, it contains phosphorus and calcium. Thus, doing a pleasant job, we can protect ourselves from tooth decay. So is kissing healthy? We can certainly answer ‘yes’!

Meaning of kiss

Meaning of kiss

Why is kiss important in a relationship?

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Few people pay special attention to such an important matter as a kiss, but in vain, because it can say a lot about your attitude to yourself and your partner. Next time, kissing your soul mate, carefully look at how this happens. We will analyze one of the most popular models of a kiss.

If he touches you with tight lips, roughly, more often it looks like a kiss with the use of force, it happens without feelings. You will not have long and happy love with this guy. Relationships may be short.

Let’s say a guy kisses restrainedly and timidly, his lips are set, and, it would seem, he wants to kiss you, but nothing happens, it’s not so bad. Such a person is not capable of romantic actions, but he is a good and faithful companion in life.

romantic couple

Why is kiss important in a relationship?

When a guy gives you a special kiss, hugs you and presses you to him, trying to show how he wants to be around is a good sign. Such a person will be an excellent and faithful husband.

A flash-kiss. Such a kiss involves a lot of small kisses, while he bites, then licks your lips, each time using a new technique, such a guy is unlikely to keep you faithful, but he’s a wonderful lover.

One of the most pleasant is an unexpected kiss, both guys and girls like such kisses. Another one of the most pleasant is a kiss during sleep, it is called ‘a sleeping kiss’. Such a kiss can pleasantly awaken a loved one, from which he will only be happy.

happy black people

Why is kiss important in a relationship?

A lot of people believe that a kiss is a simple touch with the lips, but this is a whole work of art. Since ancient times, there was a language of kisses, through which you can send a message. When a man kisses a lady’s hand, it is a sign of worship and respect. So when meeting, the men expressed their interest in the lady, showing her their sympathy. A light kiss on the nose or forehead speaks about the desire of a person to take care of a loved one, always be close.

Earlier, as now, a kiss on the cheek was a friendly gesture, so welcomed the pleasant people. A kiss in the neck expressed the desire for intimacy. Such was still the kiss in the ear, gentle lips touching as if whispering about their intentions. A kiss on the lips was a declaration of love. It is a pity that now no one gives special attention to the kiss. It is a kind of ethics, which has long been forgotten.

How to do lip kiss?

How to do lip kiss

Why is kiss important in a relationship?

Of course, everyone at least once asked himself the question: do I need to learn to kiss. The answer to this question you will never be found. All sources and instructions for kisses will give you an extensive answer, they will tell you about the types and techniques of kissing, but no one will tell you how to behave and what to do at this wonderful moment. Despite the useful information, which can be easily found, nobody will teach you to kiss. A kiss is not a sporting exercise, the technique of which you will be able to master in several classes; this is an expression of gentle, intimate feelings.

If you want your relationship to have mutual understanding and love, always kiss your soul mate, so talk about your love. Psychologists have long established, couples that have discord in relationships, have long ceased kissing, which led to the lack of an intimate life. And also, no matter how funny it sounds, but men who kiss their spouse or girl before they leave, live much longer. But do not think that a simple, unfeeling touch with your lips will help you prolong life. A kiss should go from the heart and be sincere.

tender kiss

Why is kiss important in a relationship?

But at the same time, if you do not know how to kiss correctly, you can push yourself away from your partner. In your actions, he can see the reluctance to be with him, in such cases, it is not so good. Therefore, our advice to you – learn how to kiss, and do not stop expressing your feelings in such a beautiful and mysterious way.

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