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8 ridiculous struggle every Nigerian lady goes through

Every lady no matter their age will always want to get a compliment about how lovely her hair or clothing is.

To them these compliments show that they are well recognised or that their presence means a lot to people. Here are few things most ladies go through daily.

1. ”I don’t have what to wear” syndrome

X struggles every lady is not exempted from

Ladies can have thousand and one clothes yet still have none to wear

This is a common saying among ladies, regardless of how full their closet could be. When it comes to choosing an outfit, all you hear is, “I don’t have what to wear.” Most ladies can have a million clothes and still claim to have nothing to wear.

2. Perfect match for shoes

struggles every lady is not exempted from

Ladies love the elegant look of their shoes

A lady will not mind to buy the same type of shoe twice, in as mush as it has a slight design in shapes and colour. They do not mind to stock a whole room with shoes, yet they still don’t know what shoes to wear when need arise.

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3. Variant of hand bags

X struggles every lady is not exempted from

A million and one bags can never be enough for ladies

The hand bags compliment their dressing either small or big. The choice of its sizes varies to suit each occasion, just like clothes and shoes a lady can stock up a room with various shapes and colour of hang bags.

4. When everyone loves your hair

X struggles every lady is not exempted from

A compliment on a lady’s hairstyle can get her attention

A lady can spend so much time and money on her hair just to look good. She cares about the particular hair style that will suit her face type and which of the style that will match an event. A nice compliment about her hair is a magical way to catch her attention.

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5. Makeup jamboree

X struggles every lady is not exempted from

When you tell a lady she has the cutest make up

Generally, ladies care so much about their look, either the make up is light or heavy. A lady can spend hours to make up her face just to get that look that will wow people. Even if she will clean it off at night, she never sees it as a waste of time.

6. The first kiss

X struggles every lady is not exempted from

The first kiss always leaves a lasting memory even after several kisses.

7. Passing compliment

X struggles every lady is not exempted from

The excitement you get when you tell a lady how beautiful she is

Ladies are moved by what they hear and a nice compliment from a crush or a friend is likely to make her smile.

8. Hygiene palava

X struggles every lady is not exempted from

Ladies are always mindful of their personal hygiene

Ladies are known to be extra careful when it comes to personal hygiene. When they want to use a restroom, they will clean the whole toilet seat, put tissues on the toilet seat before sitting on it. Like this is not enough, they will still use soap, cologne, hand sanitizer even hand cream. Ladies eehn! over hygiene.



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