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DIY: Prepare African black soap with shea butter

Have you heard about the best soap for dark skin? Learn what African black soap is, what benefits it brings, how to use it properly, and how to mix African black soap with shea butter.

African black soap with shea butter

How to mix African black soap with shea butter?

Women are always in search of products that will help to prolong youth. More recently, cosmetologists have been able to find a way to solve a variety of problems with the condition of the skin of the face. To do this, you must regularly use a special African black soap.

We can say that it is an invaluable gift of African nature, which is based on many plant components. This product is used in cosmetology, as well as in medicine. With its help, you can take care of aging and problem skin, including use for treating various types of dermatitis.

Composition of black soap

African soap has one very interesting feature – animal fats are not used for its preparation, which is a characteristic difference from a simple economic and fragrant modern analogue. This kind of soap can be used both for skin and for hair.

Universal cosmetic product is incredibly useful, while it contains green banana, which is a mandatory ingredient added to any sort of black African soap. It is applied in the form of ash. Thanks to the influence of the beneficial substances of the green banana, the regulation process in the skin of the fat balance is accelerating, and it becomes possible to quickly get rid of the pigment spots.

African black soap with shea butter

How to mix African black soap with shea butter?

This cosmetic product also may contain:

  • Coconut oil, which provides an effective, but gentle cleansing of the surface of the skin, creating an airy foam.
  • Vegetable glycerin provides softening of the skin.
  • Palm oil acts as an anti-inflammatory and protective agent.
  • Shea butter is a natural ultraviolet filter, so it protects the skin from the negative effects of sunlight.
  • Vitamin E and A reliably protect the epidermis at the cellular level from premature aging.
  • Lime juice has a stimulating effect on the process of collagen production, due to which the elasticity of the skin is maintained.
  • Vegetable ash from the rind of fruits, leaves, bark has a regenerating and wound healing effect.
  • Natural honey provides effective protection against various types of bacteria, while softening and healing wounds.

Each of the ingredients containing in the African black soap has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Due to their complex influence, it is possible to solve various problems related to the skin condition, including getting rid of such serious diseases as eczema.

African soap helps quickly to get rid of acne, rashes, has a matting effect, prevents the onset of aging of the epidermis, while the skin is reliably protected from the bright sun, the correct fat balance is restored. Black soap for skin lightening is widely used.

READ ALSO: How to make liquid soap in Nigeria?

How to make African black soap

How to mix African black soap with shea butter?

How to make black soap?

Each piece of African soap is the result of painstaking and complex hand work. The main ingredient of this cosmetic product is a green banana or plantain.

Let’s try to figure out how to mix African black soap for face care with shea butter. Follow the steps below and enjoy the result.


  • Distilled water;
  • Plantain peels;
  • Cocoa pods;
  • Shea butter – 36g;
  • Coconut oil – 127g;
  • Palm oil – 36g;
  • Castor oil – 50g;
  • Jojoba oil – 2.5 ml;
  • Vitamin E oil – 2.5 ml (a half teaspoon).


  • Mixing bowls and spoons;
  • Soap mold (you can buy it at any craft shop, or use a silicone baking pan);
  • Blender;
  • Gloves;
  • A steamer.

Method of preparation

To produce soap, finely chopped green banana fruits are used, which are previously dried well. Also, the leaves and peels of the fruit are used. First dry components and then burn them down. The ash is a major component of this soap.

African black soap - how to make

How to mix African black soap with shea butter?

Together with plantain as well pre-dried cocoa pods are burned, including the tree bark of Shea.

Burn down the green banana peel and pods of cocoa in the desired proportion. The required amount of banana peels and cocoa pods differs depending on the desired final amount of soap you are going to produce, and how concentrated it will be.

African black soap - how to make

How to mix African black soap with shea butter?

The ash contains potassium hydroxide, well-known for its gentle healing properties.

Dissolve completely the ash powder in warm distilled water. If necessary, add more ash or water until the solution gets the desire concentration and darkness.

African black soap - how to make

How to mix African black soap with shea butter?

Heat shea butter over low heat in a steamer until it melts and is thoroughly warmed up, do not forget to stir it constantly.

Mix ashy solution and melted shea butter, and continue to stir on the middle heat.

Add oils and Vitamin E oil.

Blend thoroughly the mixture by hand blender.

African black soap - how to make

How to mix African black soap with shea butter?

Black soap is cooked for a whole day, while the mixture must be constantly stirred, otherwise it will burn.

Spoon liquid soap from the surface of the steamer as soon as it starts to form. Place it into appropriate forms, soap molds.

Leave the soap in soap molds for up to 14 days to become hard. After 15-30 days, the formation of soap bars begins. The end-product will be firm, but when pressed soft and supple.

Unlike usual soap, the African black soap has some differences in the way it is used. Before use, it must be pre-wet, and then foamed with the help of anointing.

African black soap - how to make

How to mix African black soap with shea butter?

How to use and store a black soap?

First, African soap will not form a lather, so it takes some time to repeat the movements to whip the foam. Then it can be applied not only to the skin, but also to the hair.

As a result, the foam of a slightly unaccustomed grayish-brown hue is obtained. After the skin is washed, the remnants of the product should be washed off with a large amount of warm water.

African black soap can be stored only in a dry place, which is reliably protected from moisture. It is important to keep the pieces of soap dry. If soap will be store in a wet state, it will simply become depleted and soap will be consumed several times faster.

As you can see the process of black soap production is not very complicated, while the result is worthy all the movements and expenses. You can use it by yourself or to make a present for someone you love. We have told you about the benefits of this kind of soap, necessary ingredients and tool, as well as preparation process and storage advice. Use this information and do not forget to share it.

READ ALSO: How to make lightening black soap?



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