Editor’s note: The emergence of Muhammadu Buhari as president was expected to bring change to the country but economic recession has dampened the hope of many Nigerians.
In this opinion, the writer examines the state of affairs in the country and how 2017 would have looked like if Goodluck Jonathan was still the president of the nation.
If Goodluck Jonathan was still president
March 28th, 2015: Imagine if you had rejected all of Muhammadu Buhari’s promise of Change and voted for transformation instead. Basically one and the same message except that the one got Buhari the honour of being transformed from “General” to “President” while the other changed Goodluck Jonathan’s Presidential fate. Maybe forever.
But we ask again: What if what we had was continuity at the Federal level and Goodluck Jonathan remained President?
Opinion: What if Buhari had lost in 2015?
If Jonathan had remained President, the Fulani herdsmen slowly shaping up to become an insurgent group would have been dismissed as the mercenaries of the President’s enemies from the North who just wanted to ensure the failure of the government the same way the Boko Haram was considered with levity for so long.
Speaking of the Boko Haram, the release of the Chibok girls may never have happened. Or how do you release girls who your advisers strongly believe were not kidnapped in the first place? In fact, many of them still believe that the April 2014 kidnap was just a hoax.
On the economic front, things may likely have been slightly better than they are right now. A President Goodluck Jonathan would have been surrounded by a team of able and knowledgeable economic advisers whom he’d have listened to. That is if said advisers were not so blinded by the greed to fill only their dollar-lined pockets.
But that’s the thing, the unparalleled amount of disdain shown to Jonathan and his team by Nigerians an account of their gross misappropriation of public funds and outright corruption in most cases should have told him something about the need to rid himself of them.
Even if the recession had hit the way it did last year, with President Goodluck Jonathan, there’d have been very little or no hesitation to float the Naira. So really, things won’t have been this bad. Except you’re one of those who say MMM is bad for the economy because that would have still happened.
Finally, if there is anything we know about Goodluck Jonathan, it is the fact that he had absolutely no problems visiting backwater places -mostly to pay condolence visits.
If Goodluck were president right now, Namadi Sambo won’t be President right now, because Jonathan won’t be on any vacation. He’d be in Rann, Borno visiting the survivors of Wednesday’s accidental military jet bombing… or not.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the editorial policy of ZENITHBLOG.com.
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