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Tea or coffee: Which is better for health?

Tea or coffee: Which is better for health?

Tea or coffee: Which is better for health?

There exists a great number of studies on the advantages and beneficial effects of tea or coffee in the morning. For example, white tea helps in preventing cancer, inflammation, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Coffee also may play a role in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, gout, and protect against liver disorders.

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What is the real effect of tea v coffee on your health? Do they bring any benefit?

Tea or coffee: Which is better for health?

Tea or coffee: Which is better for health?

The essence of the benefit of tea or coffee is an antioxidant effect, which is presented cofee. About the tea, numerous studies have confirmed its advantages, in particular in the prevention of ovarian cancer. This is connected with the antioxidants contained therein. That can erase question: “is tea or coffee better for you?”

Tea or Coffe? Coffee also improves alertness and facilitates digestion. Furthermore it may have potentially beneficial effects in the case of diseases such as diabetes and Alzheimer’s, but it is not yet confirmed scientifically.

While we can not say that large amounts of tea or coffee in the morning can remove the danger of cancer. Now we have only hypotheses about the beneficial effects of these drinks. We can establish a link between their use and the general improvement in tea or coffee healthier question, but so far we have not been able to confirm cause-and-effect relationships that would prove the effect of large volumes of tea or coffee on the possibility of cancer.

To establish a direct link, it takes a long-term study involving thousands of patients. So far, no one has enough funds to carry out this kind of research. It will cost a fortune.

What is the appropriate amount of tea or coffee? At what rate should it consume?

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Tea or coffee: Which is better for health?

It is necessary to stick to a reasonable dosage. A person is limited to four to five cups of coffee or three cups of tea because abuse can negatively affect health.

Some studies suggest that consumption should be a maximum of four cups a day, the equivalent of 250 milligrammes of caffeine. After seven cups a day experienced side effects such as a headache and indigestion. The same applies to tea: with it, you should not exceed a dose of three cups per day.

As for the type of tea or cofee, it`s hard to say that some of them are recommended more than others. At the same time, espresso contains less caffeine than unfiltered coffee. While an espresso typically contains 40-50 milligrammes of caffeine, a cup of unfiltered coffee has usually around 70 milligrammes.

The same applies to the tea. Green tea has been the subject of many studies, but no one did studies connected with the white tea or coffee. Therefore, it is very difficult to compare. Nevertheless, it is known that an excessive intake of tea can reduce the absorption of iron and affect the heart. Thein and caffeine are identical to each other and can cause rapid heartbeat, which, of course, is not dangerous, but can be unpleasant.

Finally, consumption of tea or cofee depends on the characteristics of each person. Some metabolism allows you to grasp the coffee quickly, and they can go to sleep, even if they drink it late in the evening. Others have a slower metabolism, and they will not sleep through the night.

Also you should not drink tea or coffee too hot because it can burn the oesophagus. This burn is associated not with the drink and its temperature. Too many people drink burning tea or coffee in the morning.



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