This is why you’ve been pooping wrong your whole life
How to defecate and why the posture during this action is very important for our health. Are you pooping wrong? We have the answers! There is nothing to be ashamed of. We are all humans and we have the same physiological processes.
So, an important thing is to do everything in the right way! ‘Bowel movements’ is the process of detoxification and discard of unnecessary, recycled garbage. A gut is a kind of special laboratory not only for absorbing food and nutrients from it, but it is also responsible for our immune system and health.
This is why you’ve been pooping wrong your whole life
And one of the rules of healthy bowel is a regular bowel movement. That means, you need to defecate every day! Constipation is a big problem. And this problem happens not only because of a lack of water in the human diet. There are bad microflora and a lot of other factors, including the position in which you are actually doing ‘this’.
So, in order to be healthy, however, it may sound ridiculous – you need to defecate properly! And we’ll tell you in this article how to do it.
How to poop in a right way?
This is why you’ve been pooping wrong your whole life
Let’s remember how our ancestors did it. And still some people do so in some countries, such as India! The squatting position. How do we do it when we go to the toilet on the street? Yes, exactly this position!
Why do we no longer go to the toilet so? For the same reason that we do everything in our life. Due to the comfort! It’s hard to read a magazine, not sitting on the toilet, but squatting.
It turns out that the squatting seat position during bowel movements can help prevent bowel disease, constipation, hemorrhoids and diseases of the pelvis!
This is why you’ve been pooping wrong your whole life
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When we sit on the toilet, it leads to the so-called ‘anorectal angle’, which presses the rectum and feces holding inside it. It ends with the fact that we need to push strongly enough to poop.
In turn, squatting pose rectifies this angle and remove the voltage from the rectum and bowel movement passes much easier and simpler. Correct posture is when the knees are tightened to the body, so it changes the location of the internal organs and muscles, relaxing and strengthening the rectum.
What is the problem of the modern toilet?
This is why you’ve been pooping wrong your whole life
It is convenient and comfortable – but this device is only a tool for the elimination of our domestic waste. Prolonged sitting, reading magazines or books is bad! Also, there are some problems, which can appear due to the wrong position on the toilet.
This is why you’ve been pooping wrong your whole life
A lot of us do not eat properly and do not inhabit their gut with useful microflora, for example, using the same probiotic-rich fermented products. Well, let’s not forget that a lot of us are too busy to go and poop when the body calls for it. We constantly postpone this important procedure. All this leads to the fact that this procedure becomes
This is why you’ve been pooping wrong your whole life
It can be a shock to find out that this problem hurts not only the elderly and sedentary people but even the active and young people. Trying to poop hard may eventually lead to this unpleasant condition.
Diseases of the intestine
This is why you’ve been pooping wrong your whole life
Regular and complete bowel movement supports the normal intestine and its function. Constipation and wrong sitting immediately say ‘hello’ to disease, toxins and lower body’s ability to absorb all the nutrients from food.
Infections of the genitourinary system
This is why you’ve been pooping wrong your whole life
It turns out that we even urine much better and easier in the position of squatting. This allows the bladder to drain completely. If you suffer from frequent cystitis and acute pyelonephritis – you need to try to urine in the normal position on the toilet.
Problems with the hips
This is why you’ve been pooping wrong your whole life
As we heave, sitting on the toilet, straining our rectum – it affects the pelvis. In order to protect the muscles and nerves of the pelvic floor, it is necessary to defecate in the right position.
You’ve been pooping the wrong way. Why do you need to defecate in the correct position?
• It promotes faster and easier bowel movement
• It prevents delaying of feces in the intestine that may eventually lead to intestinal cancer
• It protects the pelvic floor and the nerves that are responsible for a healthy prostate, bladder, and sexual function
• It protects the nerves that control the uterus, preventing tension and inflammation
• It helps pregnant women to give birth naturally. Correct posture relieves tension from the uterus when we want to use the toilet.
How can I correct the position even on my own toilet?
This is why you’ve been pooping wrong your whole life
The good news is that it is easy to start doing everything in a right way. You just need to raise the level of the knees to the chest.
You should just put a small stool under your feet while sitting on the toilet. It automatically raises the knees closer to the torso. If you do not have such a magic stool – you can even take any box or container. The main thing is to lift the knees higher and bring them closer to the body! Try it and you instantly feel the difference not only in the process but also in how it will affect your health!
Will you try it today?
READ ALSO: 15 most unusual toilet seats
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