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Richest companies in Port Harcourt you should know

Nigeria is the country with the developed oil and gas industry. Therefore, for certain, there are companies in Port Harcourt, one of the centers of oil in Nigeria, propelling the economy. Let’s learn a few facts about the most known and expensive companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Companies in Port Harcourt

Companies in Port Harcourt

Oil companies in Port Harcourt

• Chevron

Chevron is a public (CVX) company, which is involved in Oil and Gas Industry. The main office of Chevron company is located in San Ramon, CA. It has more than 10,000 employees. Revenue is more than $10 billion per year. Chevron Corporation is integrated energy company from the USA, the second after ExxonMobil, one of the largest corporations in the world. The company takes the 3rd place in Fortune 500 in 2015, and also enters the Fortune Global 500 list following the results of 2014 (the 12th place). It was founded in 1879 in the city of Piko-Kanyon. In 2001, it bought Texaco company, having received the name ChevronTexaco. In 2005, it returned to the former name. On May 1998, activists made a demonstration and took several people hostage on an oil platform of the company in the delta of Niger. According to unchecked data, Nigerian police officers and soldiers arrived on Chevron helicopters. Soldiers shot at activists, and subsequently, two activists (Jola Ogungbeje and Aroleka Irowaninu) died of wounds. In 2007, the judge of the USA began the legal procedure in the claim to Chevron from victims and families of the dead people, having told that there can be evidence that Chevron provided transport to Nigerian armed forces, famous for use of violence. In December 2008, the federal court of jurors dismisses all charges from Chevron. Chevron claimed that military intervention was necessary for the protection of the life of its workers and considers the judgment of jurors as the proof of it.

Companies in Port Harcourt

Companies in Port Harcourt

• Shell

Shell is the English-Dutch concern having high-quality servicing and good fuel. The group was created in 1907 by the combining Royal Dutch Petroleum Company, Shell Transport, and Trading Company Ltd. This merge was generally caused by the need of the competition in the world market to the American company Standard Oil. In general, the name Shell and a logo of the company (a red-yellow cockleshell) come from 1833 when the English merchant Markus Samuel opened the small shop in London and began to trade exotic bagatelles among which there were caskets decorated with seashells. Further, in 1891 Samuel’s son appeared in Batumi where he had the idea to adjust transportation of kerosene from the Caspian Sea through the Suez Canal to the Middle East. In 1892, the tanker of the SS Murex company went from Russia with the freight of 4000 tons of kerosene to Singapore and Bangkok. In February 2016, Royal Dutch Shell finished the purchase of the British BG Group, about which it was declared in April 2015. The amount of transaction has made 70 billion US dollars. According to terms of the transaction, shareholders of BG Group received about 19% of the united company, and Royal Dutch Shell — access to inventories of liquefied natural gas, in the production of which the British company specialized. According to many motorists, this company corresponds to the European standards. Nigeria is the key region for Shell. In the delta of Niger River, it pumps oil already half a century and extracts up to 15% of the raw materials. However, there are also negative facts regarding this company. Thanks to Shell, Nigeria today is one of the leaders in oil leakages. Leakages happen here on average ten times a week. At the same time, the number of accidents over the years only increases: if in the 80th Shell lost here about 30 thousand barrels (in five years), then in five years in the 2000th it amounts reached nearly 300 thousand barrels! The main reason is the deterioration of pipes.

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Port Harcourt

Companies in Port Harcourt

• ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil is the American company, the largest public oil company in the world, and one of the largest corporations in the world by the amount of market capitalization ($417.2 billion for January 2013, $336.5 billion in May 2009 according to the rating of the market capitalization of FT 500). In 2007, it took the 2nd place in the list of the largest public American companies of Fortune 1000 and in the list of the largest world corporations Fortune Global 500 (lists were created by the size of revenue of 2006). The headquarters of the company is located in the suburb of Dallas, the State of Texas. The present company was created in 1999 as a result of the merge of the largest American oil companies Exxon and Mobil. Both companies were heirs of Standard Oil trust of John Rockefeller after its forced separation in 1911.

The Standard Oil company was founded in 1870, monopolized the oil industry of the USA and gained so bad reputation that the government stopped its activities and divided it into 34 impartial legal entities. Jersey Standard (Standard Oil Company of New Jersey), Exxon in future, and Socony (Standard Oil Company of New York), Mobil in future were two of these 34 companies. The Standard Oil of New Jersey company (Jersey Standard) sold products in its territory under the name of Esso. After that in 1972, Jersey Standard replaced the name with Exxon Corporation. It began to use a new trademark, Exxon in the territory of the USA. However, in the countries of Europe and in Canada affiliated enterprises kept Esso in the name. In 1998 Exxon and Mobil signed the merger agreement worth $73.7 billion about forming of the new company ExxonMobil Corporation, the largest on the planet. Merge was complete in November 1999.

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Companies in Port Harcourt

Construction companies in Port Harcourt

• Lubrik

Lubrik is a major civil engineering firm, which created a strong cooperation with the leading design firms in the industry around the world. They create the joint design with corporations worldwide. The design created by teams of this company is one of the most successful in the territory of Nigeria. The company specializes in a construction of buildings, high-rise towers, the conference centers, hotels, shopping centers and a lot of other public and private projects. In a construction, Lubrik is one of the biggest sectors. It is concentrated on a construction of top-quality roads, high-quality bridges, ports, and other civil projects. The firm pays huge attention to quality, time, and the budget to guarantee the highest level of services and to observe the time for which projects can be made.

oil Companies in Port Harcourt

Companies in Port Harcourt

• Monier Construction Company

Monier Construction Company (Nigeria) Limited is a Nigerian company with the big reputation, which it gained within five decades. This company is a member of Federation of a construction of civil buildings and contractors of Civil engineering in Nigeria. This company is one of the earliest participants in the construction industry of Nigeria created in 1955 and registered as the contractor of civil buildings and civil engineering with the main office in Mlie 7, Rumuigbo, in 1957. The company uses the modern equipment in road construction and other key sectors of the construction industry.

During consolidation in 1957, the company belonged to German Company, but eventually, Nigerian investors had the interests in MCC. Today MCC is a real Nigerian firm, which belongs to Nigerians and is operated by Nigerians. The purpose of this company is the aspiration to create the environment, which would promote the change of living conditions where people solving problems, create the intellectual equity and meet standards of safety and the quality, which is an integral part of daily business. Work in the different areas of Nigeria is one from benefits of this company. The firm is able to finish projects even in the case of adverse conditions successfully. The company specializes in construction, chemical, and petrochemical areas, electricity generation, and control of erosion.

gas Companies in Port Harcourt

Companies in Port Harcourt

Marine companies in Port Harcourt

• Oceanwatermarine and Oil Services Ltd

Oceanwatermarine and Oil Services Ltd is the local private sea security service and the sea logistic company created to guarantee observance of severe measures of safety, to provide the full range of services and expert knowledge in the energy sector. The company has the official office in Port Harcourt. It is proud of the unsurpassed relations with government Security forces (navy, sea police, etc.), a rich set of knowledge, the reliable strategy, observance of legal documentation and transaction even in unstable regions.

Companies in Port Harcourt

Companies in Port Harcourt

Drilling companies in Port Harcourt

• ACME Energy Integrated Services Limited

ACME Energy Integrated Services Limited is a representative of the oil and gas industry, which also passed into drilling sector because of the absence of the corresponding personnel and the equipment used in the Nigerian industry of drilling. A founder of the company is Greg Ezenwa. He took the lead, and ACME Energy Integrated Service Limited was founded to create considerable impact in the oil and gas industry, having provided the reliable equipment and services in drilling. ACME Energy Integrated Services Limited connected local and foreign security specialists in the field of the environment, departments for public relations, quality, and administration. For these years, the company executive got wide experience in the field of drilling, collected from around the world for effective and timely project implementation and many joint tasks. The policy of the company is a combination of local knowledge and experience with technical expertise and the principles of quality of worldwide reputable organizations.

oil and gas Companies in Port Harcourt

Companies in Port Harcourt


As you can see, the number of the companies in Nigeria, in particular, Port Harcourt, is huge. Therefore, it is impossible to learn the whole list of companies in Port Harcourt as it could last for a long time. However, today you learned about the most known of them.

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