Editor’s note: In preparation for the 2019 general election, most politicians across Nigeria have started their politicking. While some incumbent governors are eyeing second term ticket, others are strategising to unseat the current occupants of the exalted seats, believing that they are better positioned to take their states to the promised lands.
In his article, Samuel Ngbede, the ZENITHBLOG.com guest contributor, analyses the political structures in Delta state and how the state could be saved in 2019.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the editorial policy of Zenithblog.com.
Our past has been wounded by some of our leaders, our present is equally battered and with what is happening, we are only left with our future. That is why we need to do all that is within our ability and capability to make sure that what our past suffered and what we are going through at present are not repeated in our future.
Ovedje Ogboru
Great Ovedje Ogboru come and transform Delta state in 2019. We know what you have been through in the past but we want you to press on. You are our choice, our candidate and our hope for better delta. We don’t know what is happening to our resources, there is nothing to show for the oil in the state.
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Twenty-five year after state creation, we claimed to be an oil rich state but we have become poorer than our counterpart states. Without our privileges, they are doing well but with all our privileges, we are still backward.
Delta an oil rich state living like dwarf instead of giant; delta a Niger-Delta “big brother” living like Niger-Delta “big orphan”. We have everything to be truly independent. All the 35 states of the federation used to be scared of us, but what is the story today? We have fallen short of strength.
Delta the hope of Nigeria is gradually losing touch of her position due to lack of leadership. Nigeria cannot trust us anymore; Nigeria has lost faith on her first born.
How do we tell ourselves the truth that we are not as wise as claimed? We are full of books as air and as empty of fruit as hell. Insane human-structure in the midst of sane resources will amount to social witchcraft.
Our land is so blessed that a faraway blind could see but our leaders are so blind by their selfishness that they failed to reason correctly. Our land can grow bones to meat but our fruits rot before harvest.
25 years of independence cannot make us fly because we lacked purposeful leaders. Schooling cannot change our leaders because they are imprisoned by living for self. They are carried away by wealth, riches and money that will fade away in a twinkling of an eye.
Our leaders have travelled round the world to behold the latest of development yet they failed to put their minds to judicious use. Delta state is bankrupt because the leaders are not putting the resources into proper use but are wasting it.
Delta state is designed and destined to reign among the committee of states in Nigeria. Delta is equipped with resources beyond any of the
But look at where lack of good leader has left us. Even angels cannot come to our aid because we are the architects of our problems. Treasures have now become garbage because our leaders failed to reason correctly as true citizens of the state.
Having examined the aforementioned challenges, our true leader great Ovedje Ogboru does not sheath the sword, we need you at a time such as this. There may be more trials, but there shall be greater triumph.
Challenges should not make you ignore the call of the people. There is no mistake as great as the mistake of not hanging on. When you come to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on. No motion without friction and no star without scar also no trial without triumph.
Show me a man that has done something worthwhile and I will show you a man that has overcome adversity. Trials are value changers; fire is the test of gold while adversity is the test of strong politicians like you.
Never allow your memories to be greater than your dreams. Always look at what you have left instead of what you have lost. You are fighting against odd, you were born against the odd, you were raised against the odd, and you are an odd breaker and a dream maker.
God does not pay at the end of the day but He pays at last. Pain is the price you pay for promotion; sweat is the father of sweetness. Those with great purpose pass through great problems.
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2019 governorship position in Delta state belongs to you that have dared to challenge giants unto contest on several occasions. You have won the heart of Deltans because you are not chicken hearted or lily livered.
When William Shakespeare chronicled the metamorphosis of great leaders, he must have thought of great politician like you. The abundant resources of Delta state held sway that is why we need you to take over the helm of affairs of Delta state come 2019.
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