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How to cut off shoulder gown? – Top ideas

Do you know what the ways of cutting off shoulder gown are? Where should you start and what are the secrets to paying attention to? You can learn it all here in this article.

how to cut off shoulder gown

how to cut off shoulder gown

Are you going on a vacation with your family and looking for the perfect dresses to take with you? If so, then the off the shoulder dress is exactly what you need for this occasion. They look elegantly and underline your great shape.

However, they also go well with the casual style. You can wear them on a daily basis during the hot seasons. They look great, and if you look into how easy it is to cut and sew off the shoulder dress, you will definitely go for creating one yourself.

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So, not to waste any of your precious time, our dear fashionistas, let’s move on to check out several tutorials for cutting off the shoulder dresses at home provided by the real professionals online. Not only you will find the tutorials very easy but also are likely to enjoy the process so much! And just imagine yourself in a beautiful, stylish dress like this!

how to cut off shoulder gown

how to cut off shoulder gown

Important things to remember

If you are cutting off shoulders from a dress you already have, then the first tutorial is for you. The only thing about it is that you should select clothes which fit snugly. Otherwise, if you choose a different type of dress, your bust will be visible whenever you bend over. To prevent awkward moments, remember this important tip.

How to cut off shoulder gown

  • First of all, we will focus on how to remake the dress you already have in your wardrobe which is a less expensive way of creating such an outfit. Instead of spending money on the new fabric, remember that you definitely have a dress you no longer wear for some reason. You can give it its second life and turn it into a stunning piece of clothing instead.
  • The second thing to remember that we will work both in the front and in the back of the dress. So, start with aligning the patterns by drawing a line somewhere four inches below the shoulder highest point.
  • Then proceed to draw the same line at the same height of the bosom. Later start drawing the other line which goes across the bosom perpendicular to center front. Do the same on the other side of the dress.
  • Here is what the professionals say about the next steps:“To ensure that the line on the back will line up with the front, walk the seam along the armhole to make sure they meet up correctly. If you line up the corner of the sleeve with the corner of the front armhole, you should be able to draw the line at the same height across the sleeve cap, perpendicular to the grainline.”
how to cut off shoulder gown

how to cut off shoulder gown

  • You should also keep in mind that four inches are for those women who want to look stylish but modest enough. However, if you want a bigger cut on your dress, then consider changing this number to a bigger one.
  • Also, it is important to check all the lines you make to ensure that they are done correctly as even minor errors might lead to massive troubles. So, if you want to look good in this dress, make sure to check everything several times.
  • Now comes the time to sew everything. Not to confuse our readers with information, we decided to insert the quote by the woman who knows how this is supposed to be done. SO, follow her instructions step by step and enjoy the results.
  • “To get the length of your band, use a measuring tape to measure the opening of your dress. Cut a band that is 80% of that length, plus 3/8 inches on each end for the seam allowance. Then sew the short ends together and press in half along the long edge to create a circular band. With a chalk pen, divide the neckline into even fourths along the CF, CB, and sleeves. Divide your band in even fourths, and match the band to the dress opening, with the seam of the band centered on CB. Sew it together, stretching the band as you go to match the opening of the dress.”
  • Once all of these steps are followed, you are almost done. Now, you should focus on stitching the seam. It is important for an off shoulder dress to keep all the stitches done perfectly well. Otherwise, it will not look as fabulous as you want it to.

Finally, all you should do now is find the great shoes to match this cool dress, as from now on you got yourself a dress you can wear both on a regular basis and on special occasions.

how to cut off shoulder gown

how to cut off shoulder gown

Another way to cut and sew off shoulder dress

The tutorial we mentioned above was on how to cut an off shoulder dress from the one you already have in your wardrobe. But what if you do not have such dresses and want to make it from the beginning all by yourself? We have a tutorial for you too. So, get ready to create a gorgeous dress you always dreamt about with our simple guide.

off shoulder gown

how to cut off shoulder gown

What you need to make this dress

  • Around two yards of fabric of your choice
  • A quarter of elastic
  • A good sewing machine
  • Scissors, and other tools.
  • An iron

So, without further ado, let’s proceed to the actual steps to take to create such an outstanding outfit. Start with the creation of the main body of the dress. It is super easy to make, as all you need is two similar rectangles of the fabric you chose.

off shoulder dress

how to cut off shoulder gown

  • Make sure to pick the length you are comfortable with. Off the shoulder maxi dress looks great too, so you do not have to make the mini one if you never wear it.
  • Then, take a measurement tape and measure the length from the bust to the end. Remember to add a few inches for the seam allowance. Front and back must be of the same length and width. Bear in mind that you should take the width into account too as you do not want to look fluff in the dress. So decide what fits you better and cut the rectangle of that width.
  • Then, meet a tutorial that a woman familiar with the matter left online to help you out:
  • “Then, on both the left and right sides of both rectangles, mark 3 inches in along the top edge, and 5 inches down along the side. Draw a curved shape connecting each two points (pink lines in the graphic above), and cut out. These are your armholes.

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  • For the ruffle, you will also need two identical rectangles. Measure all the way around your shoulders. Again, each rectangle will be this wide. Decide on how long you want the ruffle to be. For reference, I cut mine at 10″ (that includes seam and hem allowance).”
  • Now as you have done all the preparations, proceed to sew the rectangles together. Start with the side seam and move from the top to the bottom or the other way around. Then proceed to work on the armholes you crafted on the dress.
  • Then comes the time to sew the ruffle. You should take it on its right side and make it into one whole by sewing it on the ends. Remember to make some notes not to forget where the front and the back of your dress are.
  • Finally, remember that you should attach the ruffle to the dress. Start from the center and move to the sides. You are taking the draft stitches first, so it does not have to be perfect at first.
off shoulder ankara dress

how to cut off shoulder gown

  • However, make sure to be careful with the fabric, as by working for too long in the same place you might create the excessive tensions which can ruin the general look of your dress.
  • Now, comes the next step which is all about attaching the ruffle to the dress. With both right sides of the fabric facing up, lay your ruffle tube around the dress, matching the center marks. Pin, and stitch the two together on both sides using a long basting stitch.
  • Then, create the tunnel for the elastic along the top edge of your dress. Turn the top edge under 1/2”, and then again another 1/2”. Pin, and stitch close to the edge. But don’t stitch all the way around. Leave a couple of inches opening to insert the elastic.
  • Finally, finish the shoulder areas on your off shoulder dress, and you are ready to impress your peers with a unique dress only you have. Don’t hesitate to pick colors and shapes you look the best in and enjoy the warm sunny days in a beautiful dress like this.

We only want to warn you that with such a dress, it is essential to wear a hat which would cover your shoulders or some sunscreen on the shoulders to prevent exposure to the excessive sunlight. Take measure to prevent any possible discomfort.

Other than that, enjoy the dress and remember that this dress can turn you into a beauty that begets wonder and admiration.



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