What are ginseng tea benefits and side effects?
We believe that ginseng tea can help us to be healthier and more beautiful. But here are collected not only ginseng tea benefits, but also ginseng tea side effects which it can cause, and even restrictions on its usage.
Tea has long been known in different countries (India, Greece, Turkey, Italy, China, England). Today it is difficult to find a corner of the world, wherever this drink is unknown. Tea is also valued for its medical properties. It treats the diseases, relieves fatigue, people drink it when they are cold and if they want to escape from the heat. In ancient times, young leaves were used for food, fleshy and old – as a medicine. In ancient books are described the healing properties of tea: tea makes person cleverer, makes person`s body lighter and illuminates the eyes, allows to sleep less. In ancient Chinese tea was called a”fire of life”.
What are ginseng tea benefits and side effects?
The scientists of ancient times described 24 healing properties of tea. They are: neutralizing of poison, treatment of voice, strengthening of teeth, weight reduction and more others. Researches of scientists today only confirm this assertion. In addition, tea eliminates damage from wine, strengthens the stomach and reproductive system, has diaphoretic and diuretic properties, quenches thirst and removes a headache. Tea purifies the blood and improves stomach, brain and facial skin colour, gives fresh breath, suppresses the smell of wine, garlic and onions. Tea is also useful in case of hepatitis.
Later it became popular to add different herbs to teas. One of the best and the healthiest kinds of teas nowadays is a tea with the root of ginseng.
“A gift of immortality,” “the spirit of the earth,” “divine herb”, “root of life”, “gift of the gods” or “wonder of the world” – they are all synonyms describing the healing medicinal plant – ginseng tea. Its root is widely used in medical practice and different methods of folk medicine. There are legends devoted to this plant, the glory of its favour is transmitted from generation to generation, as our grandmothers and great-grandmother, in general, tended to it, as if it was a deity.
What are ginseng tea benefits and side effects?
Ginseng tea benefits or ginseng tea legend
It is believed that ginseng is tracked down to the hills of Manchuria in northern China, more than five thousand years ago. The evidence confirming this fact is a beautiful ancient legend that tells how miraculous root was found in human hands.
Once farmers living in some small village of south Chinese province heard sad cries asking for help. Groans came from the forest, they came from under the ground. People rushed to help, but after looking closer to the area where they most prominently heard this scream, they found the undemanding plant with berries of a red hue. Carefully digging the soil, farmers saw the wonderful root, which resembled the kind of human figure. People called him the man-root.
In the East there is a beautiful belief according to which ginseng is glimmered with amazing bright white flame during the process of its flowering. But it could be seen only at night. And if at one of the nights, person digs the sparkling root, it must help the man to recover from the dangerous illness and return life. But it was incredibly difficult to get a root, as it was protected by the tiger and dragon. Only strong and courageous individuals could try their luck and dig up the plant.
What are ginseng tea benefits and side effects?
In those historical times only the emperor could afford to use ginseng. He paid for one gramme of root with one gramme of gold. The lives of those who collected plants were full of dangers. This miraculous elixir enjoyed the high demand.
Ginseng tea benefits and side effects
Ginseng may boast invaluable merits. It is literally breathing vitality into a person. The root improves the functioning of the CNS. The plant has the most favourable impact on the job of subcortex and cortex. It also has a good effect on blood composition and gas exchange.
Ginseng activates respiration of brain cells, reduces heart rate, increases the secretion of bile and inhibits certain bacteria. Several studies of ginseng have established itself as a substance that promotes treatment from radiation disease. So, there were some experiments conducted on animals that were irradiated and simultaneously treated with medicines made from the medicinal root. As a result of experiments, all animals recovered.
What are ginseng tea benefits and side effects?
Ginseng tea benefits
Ginseng is able to win many diseases. But it is necessary to remember that each specific illness requires its own dose and type of drug.
Ginseng tincture can be described as effective means that improves the health of people suffering from chronic fatigue. After a long illness, it helps the body to recover faster and contributes to a better functioning of the cardiovascular system. Ginseng infusion is administered at various neuroses, neurasthenia and psychosis.
Alcohol or water-based tincture of ginseng is an excellent tool in the fight against diabetes and gastritis, it stimulates the sex organs and eliminates the negative effects associated with the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.
Ginseng tea side effects
From childhood, we are convinced that ginseng is a panacea for all illnesses, and you can drink it as much as necessary, even instead of tea. But, nevertheless, it is not true. And this is a kind of tea, full of side effects that can lead to faulty results.
As it was stated above – ginseng is a strong stimulant for the body. Therefore, taking it with other stimulants such as tea or coffee will produce the triple effect on human body.
Ginseng tea side effects: not use before 16
You cannot use it in the diet of children who are not yet 16 years old, including biologically active supplements containing extracts of plants. But adults are also not encouraged to get involved in this way.
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If a young person is physically hard working, she or he can take ginseng for no longer than one month. People with hypertension are generally contraindicated to use ginseng tea.
Remember that taking ginseng tea, you must carefully monitor the dosage because even the minimal threatening of overdosage can cause weakness, insomnia, drops in pressure, tachycardia and migraines.
Avoid ginseng if pregnant
Pregnant women and mothers, who nurse their babies with breast, should completely avoid ginseng. Ginseng should be excluded when you complain about thyroid disease. Patients with a tendency to bleeding must be very attentive during the usage of ginseng, if not refrain from it.
During the course of the use of ginseng tea, it is recommended to exclude from the diet drinks containing alcohol. It is better to heal the body with ginseng extract. However, this plant is the incredibly heavy load on the human body.
Therefore, you should be careful and be wary of ginseng. It is better to drink less than take an overdosing and get a number of serious problems. The chemical composition of ginseng miracle has not been studied yet because the cells contain a large number of very complex chemical compounds.
Barium, germanium, manganese, aluminium, iron, fatty acids, strontium, vitamin C and B, essential oils – not the entire list of identified nutrients of the root. Thus, the decision is easy – to make green tea with ginseng!
What are ginseng tea benefits and side effects?
Green Tea and ginseng Tea
The method of processing and production of green tea allows preserving vitamins and catechins and many useful substances while maintaining good colour and beverage indescribable flavour. In other words, it is recommended to use only large-leaved teas, collected not mechanically, but with hand. As the small-leaved tea, or much more – packed, loses its properties in an accelerated pace, interacting with the environment.
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With the addition of ginseng root, tea increases the stimulation of the nervous system, restores and improves functions of genitalia, improves appetite, cardiac and vascular, stabilizes blood pressure, reduces physical and mental fatigue. Adding root ginseng green tea significantly affects the increase of prevention of ageing, while reducing weight to the limits of acceptable standards.
Another kind of tea with ginseng – “Oolong”
What are ginseng tea benefits and side effects?
It is produced in Taiwan and is very popular, combining green tea, ginseng root and some other herbs, such as holly leaves.
It not only has the flavour, typical of ginseng, but also natural taste. It improves eyesight and sharpens smell, strengthens and tones the body, charging it as a whole, stimulates and increases the efficiency of the brain. The systematic use of this type of tea leads to increased energy homoeostasis, i.e. the tide energy.
The time for ginseng tea to get ready
To reveal the bouquet and taste of ginseng tea it should be brewed several times, the first brew is poured into another bowl after 5-8 seconds, after welding.
The water temperature is mandatory not to exceed the threshold of 95 degrees – hot water almost inevitably kills all the beneficial properties of ginseng! The aftertaste should last a relatively long time.
What are ginseng tea benefits and side effects?
You can brew green tea with ginseng up to 8 times, the length of welding 15 up to 20 seconds, otherwise under-exposed it will taste bitter. This tea is not consumed on an empty stomach. Intensified metabolism, resulting in escalating hunger, there can appear a slight dizziness and slight weakness in the legs. To get rid of these symptoms it is recommended to eat a piece of chocolate or some fruits.
Ginseng can be also used for other purposes
Skin care, especially for aging or sensitive hair, fighting wrinkles cannot be done without a prescription. Ginseng is able to protect the skin from dehydration, increase blood circulation, nourish it. It has regenerating, toning, antibacterial properties.
It is recommended to add a couple of drips of ginseng extract to finished masks, creams, balms for hair. For those who suffer from hair loss, it is suitable to use tincture of the root and leaves of the plant. Thus, the tincture can be rubbed into the roots of the hair 2-3 times a week. You can simply add the root tincture or extract of a plant to drip into the bath.
The use of ginseng tea for slimming
It is widely known that ginseng is used in the fight against excess weight.
Thus, the most convenient option is considered to be capsules and tablets. In any case, we must remember that products containing the root, can be taken only before or during dinner, as a later reception is fraught with insomnia.
Often it is advised to use ginseng to prepare breakfast which is burning fats. To do this, simply add 2-3 drops of the extract or a teaspoon of powder in porridge, vegetable or fruit puree.
Enjoy your tea!
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