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Top 7 signs to tell if a woman likes you

Doubt if a woman loves you? Check sure signs she likes you more than friend in this article and you will get to know for sure.

signs of female sympathy

Body language: 7 signs of female sympathy

Every woman is an enigma. And it often happens that this is an incomprehensible mystery is for men. However, there are signs that you should pay attention to in order to understand in time – whether she likes you or not. First of all, this is her body language. Learn how to read body language and you’ll know about any lady you see.

What is body language?

black woman flirting

Body language: 7 signs of female sympathy

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Body Language is the non-verbal signals that we send to our interlocutor. This is the most truthful part in building relationships. Gestures, facial expressions, plastic, on a subconscious level show sympathy or antipathy to the man. If the words say about one thing and non-verbally others – your partner unconsciously believes the body language rather than words.

Be attentive and open new facets of your friends, because everything is in the details.

Female body language in communication

Body language

Body language: 7 signs of female sympathy

The girl, standing or sitting puts one hip forward, underlining the waist and visually lengthens the legs. Typical signs of a strong sympathy and a desire to be with you, according to the body language expert Robert Phipps.

Lie detector

Body language: 7 signs of female sympathy

When we lie or leave the question unanswered, we experience mild stress, the pressure rises, causing tingling in the delicate inner walls of the nose, and an irresistible urge to scratch it. If your lady often touches the nose – something is definitely wrong.

  • Feelings are seen in the eyes
Feelings are seen in the eyes

Body language: 7 signs of female sympathy

A sincere smile is a smile of not only lips but also of the eyes. If you see that when you look at her eyes, they sparkle – she’s yours! But if her eyes stay the same, then a smile is not natural – it’s time to pay the bill and leave.

The tone of her voice

Body language: 7 signs of female sympathy

If your chosen one’s voice suddenly becomes quieter, ‘she is deceiving you’ – says a well-known professor of psychology Richard Wiseman. But be careful! Another thing is the voice. If she speaks low voice, velvety whisper – she tries to seduce you!

flirting lady

Body language: 7 signs of female sympathy

According to a lot of years of researches and observations of the former military investigator Greg Hartley, the famous author of the bestseller ‘How to expose a liar’ when a person is lying there is a blood flow from the lips. James Bond could expose the lying girl because of her cold lips during a kiss. Try it too.

Curls with secret sense

Body language: 7 signs of female sympathy

If the girl next to you pulls a lock on her fingers, she subconsciously says ‘touch me’. There and then the subtle ‘but’: if she pulls her hair, twitches them, then it means: ‘I am with you uncomfortable’.

  • The thing is in the earring
female sympathy

Body language: 7 signs of female sympathy

If your companion touches the earring and her wrist is turned to your face at the same time- she is flirting with you and she is interested in the next meeting.

The body language of women is a real science. But if you start learning it and noticing the gestures of your lady you can easily succeed. There are different types of body language, but the one which ladies use while flirting are one of the most obvious and noticeable.

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