Editor’s note: Madukaji Obinna Zebulon, the ZENITHBLOG.com partner blogger, gives 13 tips on how good listening skills can help shape people’s lives.
Zebulon is a blogger at Zenithbloga Route.
More details in ZENITHBLOG.com’s step-by-step guide for guest bloggers.
Listening is the act and ability of a human being to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.
Listening can also be described as a form of learning process or education during listening our minds brains and body focus actively on the organized sound or voice been in play (the teacher or speaker).
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A good listener is a person who has an ability to fast understand and process given information while some people possess this ability most people don’t due to certain problems or the other. Some of these problems could result from: hearing disorders, poor vocabulary interpretation, low brain IQ (intelligence quotient), poor education upbringing or background, illiteracy, etc.
These are some good tips that will help improve your listening skills and become a good listener:
1. Give out your full complete attention.
Yes imagine a situation where typing a text for a friend or spouse on your cell phone and suddenly you get distracted by an interesting scene on your television screen you will totally lost from your cell thereby texting the wrong message and in most cases trends to forget what you intended typing, this is also applied to when you don’t give out your full complete attention to the speaker.
2. Be sincerely interested in the speaker.
Try to be sincerely and genuinely interested in the speaker and avoid making any assumptions if you do so it will damage the ability to fully encode the exact message the speaker is trying to pass and you might misunderstand the speaker.
3. Ask questions when needed
Doing the process of listening asking question is necessary to fully encode and understand the message speaker is trying to pass and most times asking questions makes you feel better.
4. Get fully interested in the speaker
When you get fully interested in the speaker you have a greater chances of the message been passed out by the speaker.
5. Listen for the message not just words.
Lookout for the message been passed not just memorizing or focusing on the words as its stated that ” sometimes words can be deceiving ” when you look
6. Avoid been distracted.
Distraction is a killer agent of learning process. You should avoid any form of distraction while listening.
7. Watch carefully because listening goes with watching.
Listening goes together with watching try and keep a close eye on the speaker.
8. Watch carefully because listening goes with watching.
Listening goes together with watching try and keep a close eye on the speaker.
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9. Be Patient with the speaker.
Patient has always proven to be a virtue so be patient with the speaker do not easily conclude and tag him boring speaker be patient.
10. Watch carefully because listening goes with watching.
Listening goes together with watching try and keep a close eye on the speaker.
11. Establish a connection between with the speaker keep Focus.
12. Listen to the Tone of the speaker and avoid any form of personal prejudice.
Prepare yourself to listen and relax watching out for facial expressions and gestures
13. Try to understand the other speaker’s view point
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the editorial policy of ZENITHBLOG.com.
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