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Photo: NDS recover large caches of weapon from Taliban threatening Donald Trump

A media report said on Wednesday, January 25, that two large weapon cache belonging to Taliban militants in the eastern Logar province, have been discovered by the Afghanistan National Directorate of Security (NDS).

War on Terror: See large cache of weapon recovered from Taliban

Large weapon cache discovered by Afghanistan National Directorate of Security (NDS).

According to reports, the two weapon caches which stored variety of arms and ammunition belonged to Qari Burhan and Qand Agha.

It said that the top commanders of Taliban militants have been operating in Katabkhail and Padkhawab Shana villages on the outskirts of provincial capital Pul-e-Alam over the past several months.

However, Taliban militants who are active in parts of Logar province have not commented on the report.

Meanwhile, the Taliban has called on President Donald Trump to withdraw U.S. forces from the “quagmire” of Afghanistan, saying that nothing has been achieved in 15 years of war except bloodshed and destruction.

In an open letter to the new U.S. president published on one of its official web page, the insurgent movement said the United States had lost credibility after spending a trillion dollars on a fruitless entanglement.

“So, the responsibility to bring to an end this war also rests on your shoulders,”

it said.

So far, Trump has had little to say publicly about Afghanistan, where some 8,400 U.S. troops remain as a part of the NATO-led coalition’s training mission to support local forces as well as a separate U.S. counter-terrorism mission.

Two of his top security appointments – retired Marine Corps General James Mattis as Secretary of Defense and former General Michael Flynn as National Security Adviser – both have extensive experience in Afghanistan.

The Taliban, however, warned Trump against relying on the kind of “unrealistic” reports presented to former presidents by their generals, saying: “They would emphasize continuation of war and occupation of Afghanistan because they can have better positions and privileges in war.”

The United States would not accept foreign forces on its territory or even in a neighboring country, said the Taliban.

It accused Washington of imposing a “surrogate administration” on Afghanistan in the face of popular Muslim resistance.



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