Editor’s note: The administration of President Muhammadu Buhari has faced criticism from Nigerians due to the economic challenges blamed on the fall in the price of crude oil.
In this opinion by Sule Samuel, he highlights some of the points which he believes qualifies the former vice president for the position of president ahead of the 2019 elections.
The current state of the country
The state of the Nigeria economy is down, the citizens are hungry. The rate of unemployment keep increasing, the condition of living has now become survival of the fittest. Resuscitating the economy does not require foolish approach, nor guess work, neither trial by error method. It demands responsibility on the part of our leaders.
We need a leader with exact, precised and accurate knowledge on what to do per time to bring us back from the economic Holocaust. The change in the helm of affairs of Nigeria in 2019 general election is inevitable. This change will happen because Nigerians demand it, because they rise up and insist on new ideas and new leadership, a new politics for a new time.
The question is who will assume this responsibility? There is one amiable Nigerian that has won the heart of everyone over the years. One who believes in the future of Nigeria and has devoted his life to that future, a philanthropist who will do everything to help our children thrive; a leader with real plans to breakdown barriers; blast through glass ceilings and widen the circle of opportunity to every Nigerian.
Opinion: Only Atiku Abubakar can deliver true change
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The positive change Nigeria desire is so tasking that it will rob a good leader of his pleasure, so mindful that it will trim his appetite, so large that it will stop his personal ambitions. It is a dream to seek beyond applause, to seek beyond trophies, and seek beyond today. A dream to outgrow history; to dominate the moment and to initiate a change. A dream to conquer tradition, to set a new standard, to create a legacy and to ensure sustainable development.
Only Atiku can deliver the change
One man is just enough to make Nigeria economy boom again and that man for now is Atiku Abubakar. History making doesn’t require multitude, it takes only individual. To
Americans began giving their all, Atku Abubakar has given Nigeria his all. Americans began laying their lives, Atiku Abubakar has laid his life all because he understood patriotism. As a custom officer and vice president, he laid down his life even for causes that are not alive. He gave Nigeria a dance-salute even though Nigeria lacks country -music. He gave himself to service even if some of the results will speak after his life time. He is a patriotic Nigerian because he serves for the good of the people. He is a good citizen because he doesn’t serve for rewards.
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Atiku Abubakar is coming to build bridges, to solve puzzles and to conquer mountains. Some see work as a means to earn but to Atiku, work is a means to mend. Some said life is to be enjoyed but to Atiku, life is a skill to be employed. To some life is a game to be played, but to Atiku life is a mission to be accomplished. Atiku is a giant; yet he works as if he is just starting. He is a Victor that is not intoxicated by victories. He is a hero; yet he works as if he is the least servant. By his exploits, Nigeria will ceased to be an odour. Nigeria will bounce back because he will restore Nigeria’s dignity.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the editorial policy of Zenithblog.com.
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