An atmosphere of confusion, fills the air, regarding the early return of popular money-doubling scheme, Mavrodi Mundial Moneybox (MMM).
Investigations reveal that there has been some hiccups in MMM operations within Nigeria, with many participants have much more questions than answers.
News of the return came with so much joy and Nigerians could not contain themselves, however, most guilders expected an immediate return of normal transactions, but that did not go down well for everyone.
Some people, who had applied for their funds were not too comfortable with the scheme’s decision to prioritise payment of micro-investors. Micro-investors, according to MMM managers, are those with least minimal investment.
The new payment limit was also found to be a thing of concern to those who were in a hurry to recoup their investments. Get Help is the phrase for request for payment.
But the Help appeared not to be readily available yesterday. Applications for Get Help were met by this usual aknowledgement message from MMM: “Your application has been received.
“Wait patiently to be matched with another participant.”
For most of those who had tried to Get Help, this response all the more heightened their feeling of frustration.
Since the merger process was often done within two weeks, those who had so far requested for their funds were found not to be too disturbed yet, the optimism which greeted their initial investment drive appeared to have been dampened but not totally lost.
Many guilders have reacted different to the new developments within the guild, “This country is becoming worse under the present leadership.We can’t wait for 2019, it is even MMM that can sustain us till 2019 when we will pay this government back,” a guilder told newsmen.
Below are more reactions from mmm participants follwoing the axiety stirred by payments delay.
David Tunde said: “MMM is paying for real”
Olaniji Olakunle Desmond said: “I see no reason why media and other bad Belle people want to kill themselves with MMM. What is their concern with people participating in mmm.. If mmm crashes today which can never be self what is your gain? .
Don’t you aware that we have many platforms in Nigeria that work like mmm which many Nigerian would also engage with, for example Gethelpworldwide, mmm West Africa, mmm express, givers forum etc.
Media leave us alone, focus on how Nigeria economic can be good again. Nigeria inflation rate has increased to 18.50%, talk about that one…… In fact we still have a long way to go in Nigeria, with the high level of educated people in Nigeria we still have numerous myopic thinking… Stupid people wake up from your slumber.”
Moses Sylva said: “Am so happy that MMM critics have failed and MMM is still waxing like never before, I strongly believe that in the nearest future everybody will get paid and the system will bounce back to normal.. By the way my mavros was unfrozen yesterday to my greatest surprise, I wasn’t expecting it at all but it happened and I GH.. Right now am waiting for a matched.”
Tracy Mike said: “Where is d media, dey should start reporting or HV dey hidden their heads in shame #MMMNGROCKS …. “
This country is becoming worse under the present leadership, only MMM can sustain us till 2019 – Guilders react to MMM frustration
Ogunleye Remi said: “Plzzzz help oo….. my account is still saying not available fr withdrawal… i hope all us well..”
Raldreal Nsofor said: “Matchin has commenced already …… “
This country is becoming worse under the present leadership, only MMM can sustain us till 2019 – Guilders react to MMM frustration
Gift Okwara seesked help saying: “pleases i cant still GH wht the problem pls???”
Nnedinma Anuri said: “Pls endeavour to pH when you HV been GHed bcos that will help MMM system and encourage d honest participant that paid you too. YOU ND I are MMM”
This country is becoming worse under the present leadership, only MMM can sustain us till 2019 – Guilders react to MMM frustration
Adeniji Adekunle said: “E DON START OH.. Choice.. Where the haters”
Raldreal Nsofor affirmed that “Matchin has commenced …”
Nnedinma Anuri gave an announcement saying: “Mavrodians, please if you’re not able to gh or you are seeing this message whenever u want to gh that ” your mavros are not available for withdrawal”* *it means your P O has yet to be upgraded, but be patient, the programmers are working restlessly just to make the system suitable for the community. Be patient, it will get to your turn soon.
Note this, All the PO can’t be upgraded simultaneously, they have to be upgraded set by set. Exercise patience, all of us will definitely GH. And also for the people who have created the GH order and yet been matched. They are trying to make sure that the system is balanced before they start matching you guys. PATIENCE IS THE KEY*. *Together we change the world*”
George Obinna Ogwogwo said: “What is happening is Nigeria. People don’t read to understand anymore. Why will some people be asking why can’t they GH yet.
Please go and read the news on your PO. GH will be release gradually. Small small.
Small small means, it will continue telling you that your mavro is not available until your own turn reach.
Just continue clicking on Get Help, if it’s not available, you relax and wait.”
Awotunde Olasunkanmi screamed out saying: “HELP! Whats The Code Means Please. I Havnt Get D Code Since Morning”
Joseph Yomi was of the opinion that “MMM are too be trusted. Their website is standard. No error in matching people. You get a rematch immediately if the person to pay fuckup. Participants of Giversforum and likes nos what am talking about.”
Justin Kennedy JustKen Nwachukwu had a rather confusing question to ask, he said: “I helped someone register in MMM, when it came for him to pay(after he was matched), he said he doesnot have the 20k, that he has not been paid for sometime, and he was hoping he will get his salary paid before the matching.
So I gave him the 20k to ph (28thNov). He promised to refund me after he gets his salary. His salary was delayed till 29th December. But because he thought MMM has crashed, he didnt refund me. Now that we are back, he wants to take the money and give me the 20k. is it acceptable?”
Let us know what your personal experience is.
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