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Is Lil Wayne really sick?

Lil Wayne

Does Lil Wayne have cancer?

After the last attack of Lil Wayne, we can briefly summarize that codeine has already affected the hip-hop culture and why its systematic use can be your biggest mistake in life. Is Lil Wayne ill right now? We’ll find out right now!

In summer it became known that a private jet of Lil Wayne was forced to land because the actor suddenly had an attack. When the plane took off for the second time, the rapper became ill again, after which he was taken to the hospital.

last attack of Lil Wayne

Does Lil Wayne have cancer?

Fortunately for Wayne, for the umpteenth time, everything ended well. However, the cause of such health problems is very simple – the use of codeine preparations. Syrup, lin, purple drink – call it what you want – this drink had not very positive effect on hip-hop after it appeared in the south.

Yes, over the years it has already become a part of the culture, and a lot of songs were written not only by the rappers – there were hundreds of them. However, it was ‘dirty sprite’ which in the last 15 years has led to the death of a number of known and already iconic artists, not to mention ordinary people. DJ Screw, Big Moe, Pimp C, A $ AP Yams – all of them anyway destroyed their lives due to the craving for codeine/promethazine. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Even more rappers at the time were ‘on it’, and some subsequently cope with the habit – Danny Brown, A $ AP Rocky, 2 Chainz, Chief Keef. Even Justin Bieber once was consuming it, when a couple of years ago set off in real ‘breaking bad’.

essential companion of Wayne

Does Lil Wayne have cancer?

Lil Wayne has always stood out from the rest of rappers, and it’s not just about his songs or ‘Martian’ origin. During his creative dawn, in 2007-2009, he did not let his Styrofoam cup from the hands, well, never. In the studio, outdoors, in the music videos – they all were full of purple liquid, it was an essential companion of Wayne.

The situation is gradually deteriorating, especially if you look at some of the interviews at the time when the rapper became increasingly incoherent and absurd, inhibited. For example, the appearance of Wayne on Tim Westwood show, when, holding a glass of familiar to all liquid, he gave one of the worst freestyles in the history of hip-hop, although a while ago he could deal with it well.

lil wayne and codeine

Does Lil Wayne have cancer?

In 2012, his plane was planted because of his sudden attack. He was taken to the hospital on the brink right during the filming of his music video for the song ‘High School’ with Nicki Minaj.

It was not his first nor the second, nor even the seventh attack. He had a lot of them, you just did not hear about them. His heart rate dropped to 30 beats per minute, but there were people who knew how to act in such a situation. That time the situation was really bad, because he had three attacks in a row, and the last one was very hard.

addicted Lil Wayne

Does Lil Wayne have cancer?

At the same time, a few years ago, Lil changed his mind and decided to end the addiction. He talked a lot that he used it not because he liked it, but because he was sick.

Wayne asked everyone to stay away from codeine, however, he did not seem able to resist himself. The last attack was a proof. Love to these ‘glasses with bad liquid’ was not only reflected in his health but also greatly harmed it. Sober and ‘high’ Wayne differ more than Kanye of times of ‘College Dropout’ and today Mr. West.

If the example of one of the coolest rappers in history, who is in danger of codeine someone cannot convince you, then are the answers to some basic questions related to the medical side of the issue. They are written according to the words of Dr. Wolfgang Styudel, who is a professional anesthesiologist for more than 20 years.

How does codeine really affect Lil’s health?

alt="high Lil Wayne" class="article-image__picture" src="" title="high Lil Wayne">

Does Lil Wayne have cancer?

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Codeine is a gateway drug (has a weak opioid effect), which suppresses a cough and displays phlegm. But high doses can squeeze the breath, slow down the heart rate and lower blood pressure. A person can even fall into a coma. An overdose of the drug can lead to cardiovascular disease and heart attack, and as a result – death.

What happens if you mix it with promethazine?

very high Lil Wayne

Does Lil Wayne have cancer?

If you add promethazine to codeine, the effect may be exacerbated. It affects the central nervous system. Overdose leads to palpitations or, conversely, unexpectedly slow pulse. In special cases, you can pass out and die. One of the side effects may be seizures when the body’s limbs suddenly start to twitch erratically.

And if at this moment there is codeine in the blood, and the difficulties and respiratory failure are more likely.

Why was it highly addictive to Lil?

highly addictive to Lil

Does Lil Wayne have cancer?

The thing of codeine is that the more you get, the more the body needs (as well as with other drugs). However, in this case, there always comes a moment when promethazine becomes poisonous. But, unfortunately, people do not know where the brink is.

Promethazine is dangerous because when the body reaches this point, the substance enhances the sedative effect of codeine, or makes people overly excited. And this is fraught with seizures. At the same time, drinking a huge amount of codeine individually makes a person get convulsions. The whole point is in promethazine – without codeine, it is not actually able to cause an overdose, similar to the side effects of hard drugs.

Another thing is that no one takes promethazine itself because the body does not reach the desired effect. And so it turns out that almost everyone addicted to codeine comes to this dangerous combination of ‘codeine+promethazine’

How much should Lil drink to cause seizures?

seizures of Lil Wayne

Does Lil Wayne have cancer?

The exact dose does not exist, because everybody is different, and the dependence on codeine is able to increase this threshold. At the same time, the probability of an attack increases significantly.

If a person has already had the attacks the vulnerability of a body increases. And in this case, the doctor recommends being careful with any substances that dull the brain – whether codeine, promethazine and even alcohol. A few glasses of wine are unlikely to aggravate the situation, but a bottle of codeine cough syrup the next time may be worth life for Lil Wayne (and any other person with the drug undermined health).

sad Lil Wayne

Does Lil Wayne have cancer?

Is Lil Wayne dying? We hope not. If he gets rid of his dangerous habit. In September the fans were shocked with the news ‘Lil Wayne retires’. One of the possible reasons is his strong addiction. There even appeared a question ‘Does Lil Wayne have cancer?’ The fans worried about Lil Wayne. Cancer is a very serious disease. However, for now, there were no proves of this terrible information.

READ ALSO: Lil Wayne retires from music



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