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8 surprising foods you should never eat if you're trying to lose weight

Editor’s note: Sleek Modupe, the partner blogger, names eight food that should be avoided when people are trying to lose weight or on diet.

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Not all food items masquerading as “healthy” or low-fat deliver what they claim. Different foods go through different metabolic pathways in the body. They can have vastly different effects on hunger, hormones and how many calories we burn.

DO NOT eat these 8 foods when trying to lose weight

Some of the foods that increase weight gain

Here are the 8 foods you should never eat if you’re trying to lose weight:

1. Ice cream

This is a very tempting and delicious delicacy but it’s very unhealthy because it is very high in calories and most types of the different ice creams are very high in sugar. You know indulging in it once in a while isn’t a crime but the issue is it’s very easy to consume massive amounts in one sitting.

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It’s advisable to make homemade ice cream using less sugar and fruit and low fat yogurt, because store bought ice cream has a very high sugar level and definitely makes us add lots of weight and homemade ice cream is a better alternative, makes you balance your weight proportion so that the calories in your body burns faster and you have a proportioned weight.

2. Pizza

This is one of the sought after delicacy worldwide and its very popular and very tasty but on the contrary this commercially made Pizza which is very delicious is very unhealthy. It’s very high in calories and often contains unhealthy ingredients like highly refined floor and processed meat.

Doing a homemade Pizza is a better alternative, if u really can’t do without Pizza make one at home with healthy ingredients since supermarket varieties have a high level of sugar. Another alternative is to look for Pizza huts that sell healthier Pizzas.

3. Alcohol/beer

Drinking Alcohol in moderation seems to be fine and is actually linked to reducing weight gain but heavy drinking on the other hand is linked to increased weight gain. And the kind of alcohol been taken matters especially beer; it contains lots of sugar which cause a lot of weight gain but taking a glass of wine in moderation is very beneficial and good for the heart. Just that human being drink in excess during celebrations, so discipline is very crucial when it comes to alcohol taking.

4. French fries and potato chips

This is another gain weight snacks and food. Whole potatoes are healthy and filling but French Fries and Potato Chips are not, they are very high in calories and it’s easy to eat way too many of them. Research has shown that French Fries and Potato Chips are linked to weight gain.

Study has been observed that Potato Chips can contribute to more weight gain per serving any other food. Baked and fried may contain cancer causing substances called Acrylamides. So it’s best to eat plain boiled Potatoes.

5. Candy bars

Is extremely unhealthy and they pack lots of sugar, refined floor and oils into a small package. High in calories and low in nutrients, it’s a well-known fact that an average sized candy bar covered in chocolate can contain

around 200-300 calories and the bigger bars will contain more sugar and they are so common very easy to access, they are systematically placed in stores to attract customers to keep buying and it becomes an addiction and if you are craving for a candy bar get an apple and eat instead – that’s a better alternative.

6. Sugary drinks

Definitely they are very much associated with weight gain especially when the intake of sugary drinks is not controlled at all. Sugar-sweetened beverages like soda are one of the unhealthiest foods on the planet and will definitely have disastrous health effects when consumed in excess.

If you are seriously thinking about losing weight you have to consider giving up on sugary drinks and liquid calories that don’t even make you feel full and for your general health sake, its best to cut down on sugary drinks and beverages.

7. Hamburger

This is a very tempting snack I must say. If you take a bite you would keep craving for more but if you are on a diet and really want to cut down on your fat, then you will need to reconsider your Hamburger eating habits.

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A single Hamburger from a fast food restaurant has about 255 calories it’s best to stay from Double Hamburger which have about 56 calories and Double Cheese Burger which have about 650 calories each.

If you want to treat yourself to a Hamburger choose the healthy side dishes and limit the high fat food you take. Have a tossed vegetable salad, you will feel much lighter and the possibility of weight loss with exercises will work.

8. White bread

This is very popular and one of the most eaten food on the face of this planet. It’s highly refined and contains lots of added sugar and it is high on the Glycemic Index and that can spike your blood sugar levels Taking at least 2 slices (120 grams) of white bread per day has a high risk of one adding weight like 40 percent.

DO NOT eat these 8 foods when trying to lose weight

Since White Bread is all we can’t do without LOL. The alternative to having a healthy diet and good body post are Almond Flour Bread, Corn Bread too is very good and many more.

After all said and done, what we put inside of us determines what we see on the outside so to be able to be fit and have good body posture, it’s advisable eating healthy and knowing when to cut on fatty foods.

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