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6 crazy differences between male and female brains

Man and woman brains

Man and woman: What’s the difference between their brains?

People have always wanted to know the psychological differences between men and women. How men and women think, feel, if they can understand each other. These disputes have been existing for centuries.

Neuroscience. The difference between male and female brain

male and female brains

Man and woman: What’s the difference between their brains?

Obviously, intersexual differences must be appropriate to the structure and functioning of the brain. Modern neuroscience (neuropsychology and so on.) give us an opportunity to gain knowledge about the biological causes of behavioral and cognitive differences.

In general, there is a significant difference in brain function of men and women, which affects the reactions, behavior, character and decision-making abilities in various fields of activity. However, no experiment has witnessed the difference between men and women in the general level of intelligence.

Numerous studies have shown that biological sex is not necessarily rigidly defines the gender of the brain. The woman may have the prevailed functions, which are specific to men and vice versa or have a possible balance of male and female characteristics in brain functions.

So, the difference between the brain of a man and woman:

brain of a man and woman

Man and woman: What’s the difference between their brains?

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1. The structure of the human brain

Male has a heavier brain with bigger volume than the female ones. Male brain on average weighs 100 grams more than the female brain. However, the nerve cells are located closer to each other in the female brain. It contributes to a faster signal transmission between them.

The brains of men have mainly dominated intrahemispheric communication, and women – hemispheric. It is assumed that this feature is the basis of differences in the implementation of spatial and social skills.

Men have a stronger connection between the perception of reality and the coordination of actions, so they develop spatial abilities better. Women have a stronger connection between analytical and intuitive information processing mode, so they can develop social skills and ability to multi-task solutions better.

2. Verbal ability

Verbal ability

Man and woman: What’s the difference between their brains?

In the process of fetal development under the influence of testosterone in boys, they get slower growth of the left hemisphere, and it also contributes to the relatively greater development of the right hemisphere. This explains the great expressiveness in females verbal abilities (which belong to the left-hemispheric), and men – visual-spatial (related mostly to the right hemispheric).

During processing of verbal information, women involve both hemispheres of the brain, and men – only one. Women’s hemisphere has thicker connected ‘cables’ of nerve fibers, in men – thinner.

brain's work

Man and woman: What’s the difference between their brains?

Therefore, even after a stroke women recover better than men. A violation of speech and the ability to read in childhood occur in boys twice more often than in girls.

According to a popular hypothesis of the American psychologist John Levy, the evolutionary and social factors also affect these differences. In ancient times men were mainly engaged in hunting, which required the development of the good spatial abilities. Women were engaged in caring for children, which required good communication skills. In the course of natural selection, the necessary survival skills were fixed and they were passed to the future generations.

3. Perception

difference between their brains

Man and woman: What’s the difference between their brains?

Women hear better and have a more developed sense of smell and sense of taste. Men distinguish the small details of a moving subject better – this feature can make them good hunters.

Male and female brains perceive color information a little differently. Orange seems for men redder. Also, men consider it more difficult to notice the difference in shades of yellow, green and blue.

4. Emotions and memory

Man vs Woman

Man and woman: What’s the difference between their brains?

In men, the stress response is expressed in the amygdala of the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere is in a state of the rest. In women’s body, on the contrary, under stress, the left amygdala is activated. Therefore, men remember the sense better than the emotions, and women better remember the details of their emotional experience.

The male brain is more responsive to the emotions of men – during the experiment they can accurately determine the emotional state of the person in the photo if the person in the photo was male too.

Man and woman's brains

Man and woman: What’s the difference between their brains?

Women can faster reproduce emotional events from their own experience. Their memories of emotionally important events, such as a first date or a holiday, are more bright and vivid.

The memory of 45-55 years old women is better than the memory of men. However, after menopause, it is getting worse, which is associated with a reduction of estradiol levels. It also reduces the efficiency of learning and the ability to recall previously learned information. Women are more susceptible to neurodegenerative disease, dementia, and other cognitive disorders.

5. Teamwork

experiments of mutual cooperation

Man and woman: What’s the difference between their brains?

According to experiments of mutual cooperation, women cooperate with each other better, if they feel that they are being watched by other women. Men cooperate with each other in large groups better than in small ones. At the same time, the two men can reach an agreement easier than the two women. But though, in the female-male pair, a woman is more tuned to cooperate, rather than her partner.

Studies have shown that the mutual adjustment of activity in the female and male brain arises in different neural areas. If there is a companion of the same sex, the brain activity of both is better coordinated with each other. And the more the neuronal activity is synchronized, the better the result of the joint activity is.

Man and lady

Man and woman: What’s the difference between their brains?

Thus male activity negotiation occurs in some neural circuits, and female – in others. For example, female mutual tuning particularly actively involves the right temporal cortex, and male – bottom right prefrontal cortex. In mixed female-male pairs, such mutual adjustment does not take place, although the cooperation tasks may be performed well.

Women switch from one task to another more easily and quickly than men, and they need less brain effort for that. The male brain needs more energy to switch focus. The female brain responds to multitasking ‘calmly’. Men have a strong activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal areas.

6. Sexual conduct

male sexual signaling system

Man and woman: What’s the difference between their brains?

The male sexual signaling system is mostly visual. Any visual or tactile image can cause arousal and sexual desire. Therefore, there are much more fetishists among men. A certain type of feet, smell or color of hair pushes their ‘sexual’ button. Female sexual signaling system involves a lot more factors. Female brain repeatedly calculates all the qualities of a partner, as in terms of the evolution, the best choice ensures the survival of children.

The human brain anatomy is very interesting and complex subject. Female and male brain functions are totally different. In any case, you’ve already noticed it.

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