Editor’s note: Onyokoko Nyore Samuel, the ZENITHBLOG.com partner blogger, explains 10 best ways to spot a terrorist in your community.
Samuel is blogger and poet.
He offers tips and writes articles on security matters. You can get in touch with him through his email: onyokokosamuel@yahoo.com or visit his blog: http://ift.tt/2idL1mD or phone number: 08022635575
More details in ZENITHBLOG.com’s step-by-step guide for guest bloggers.
Centuries after centuries, the world keeps evolving. From the stone-age, right to the historical period and up to the modern era, humans and their behaviours had become too complicated. They invented tools and machines to make our lives less stressful and simple. The internet of things became dominant, technology shrinks the world to one global village—that’s the positive aspect of it.
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However, with the positive came the negatives: technological ingenuity fell into the hands of dangerous people—terrorists. Sophisticated weapons were used by terrorists to threaten the world, from assault rifles to machine guns and now chemical weapons.
These terrorists have powerful sponsors and extreme ideologies. They recruit people all over the world to join their organizations. They begin the process of brainwashing their new recruits with their beliefs.
What is an ideology? According to Wikipedia, “ideology is a collection of beliefs held by an individual, group or society. It can be described as a conscious and unconscious idea which makes up one’s beliefs, goals, expectations, and motivations.”
These are the 10 sure signs to spot terrorist:
1. They’re anxious
A terrorist is not the confident type. They’re always jittery when they want to carry out an operation. Most times, their body language gives them away. The first thing you notice from them is that they sweat profusely, especially when they want to blow up a place. Again, blood pressure is on the high side: hearts heaving. Immediately you notice such behaviour, call the attention of the security agencies. Be very sure of your suspicion before you call the Police
2. They’ve accomplices
These men from hell have partners who assist them in the bloody act. For instant, when a terrorist operation is in progress (bombing a location), there’s someone somewhere who’s waiting to detonate it. Still, it’s either they’re wearing something bulky or a dark attire to conceal the weapon. Be super-alert when in public places.
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3. They use women to carry out their missions
Women especially young girls are less suspicious. The terrorist groups know this weak point. Unfortunately, the security operatives aren’t bothered searching them. Sometimes, these girls wear the hijabs to conceal explosive devices. Most of the successful terrorists operations were orchestrated by women and they know how to blend in public places.
4. They’re very swift
They operate based on time. Therefore, the quicker; the better. If you notice someone is in a hurry, especially if he’s carrying something bulky or his body appeared bulky, please stay clear. But be sure before you take action. It might just be somebody hurrying somewhere.
5. They target large crowd
To get the best out of their sinister motives, they target busy areas where the impact can be felt. Places like open markets, shopping malls, religious gatherings, schools, car parks, etc. At
But certain precautionary measures should be taken if we’re to protect ourselves from terrorist operations. Be focused. Watch how people interact and gestured with one another.
6. They drop certain explosive packages in strategic locations
This is not always the case though. But there’s a likelihood that a package drop somewhere might just be an Improvise Explosive Device (IED). The percentage of a bomb going off in a hostile environment is very high compare to a place that’s less vulnerable. If you see someone dropping a bag pack or gift pack in a busy place, demand the person comes back and take it away.
7. They create panic
In order to cause confusion in certain areas, they raise an alarm that a bomb is about to go off and ask the people gathered to move to a particular direction. Beware, this might be where the explosive device could be planted. When such an alarm is raised, be sure to know if it’s a hoax or the reasons people are moving in that direction. People who follow blindly are prone to untimely death from bomb attacks.
8. They’re ready to die
Terrorists have made oaths to die. They’ve been brainwashed to believe that when they die, certain rewards await them in heaven. Therefore, the urge to die and take others along with them. These people don’t value lives. They can get very brutal. What they’re after is victory for their organisations. If they don’t value their own lives; value yours.
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9. They love to challenge the security apparatus
When they spot a military convoy, they’re battle-ready to engage them in a battle of supremacy. Or when they suspect the military might be a stumbling block, they try to eliminate them before the military personnel react.
10. They don’t give prior warnings before carrying out a bomb attack.
They claim responsibility after an attack has being perpetuated. Unfortunately, these attacks can’t be predicted but you can still take precaution like avoiding volatile areas.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the editorial policy of ZENITHBLOG.com.
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