The wild is blest with an abundance of animals of different species, many of which look so very attractive and beautiful to behold.
Sometimes humans are very curious to know more about these creatures, so we begin to dig into their lives, and we quickly find out that we must not let their comeliness to full us.
Beyond their looks, these animals have killer instincts that are really scary, and while many will not kill humans unless they are provoked, some others will kill humans just for the mere fun of it.
We bring to you the 10 most deadly animals in existence today.
10. Great White Shark
These legendary predators have a terrible time distinguishing between the edible and the non-edible.
Ten most dangerous animals in the world (Photos)
There chosen method? Sampling. They sample buoys, boats, surfboards, humans, anything that floats. Contrary to popular belief, however, they really aren’t man-eaters.
Humans are too bony, and after the initial bite, they usually leave you to bleed out in the water.
9. African Lion
While humans are generally not on their hit-list, some lions have been known to actively seek out human prey.
Ten most dangerous animals in the world (Photos)
One famous case was that of the Tsavo man-eaters in 1898 who mauled and killed 28 railway workers in Kenya over a 9 month period.
8. Hyena
While these predators may be wary of human interaction during the day, after sunset the paradigm shifts.
Ten most dangerous animals in the world (Photos)
Although hyenas have been known to hunt humans throughout history, the behavior tends to increase during wartime and disease outbreaks due to their strong affinity for human corpses.
7. Tse Tse Fly
This large blood s*cking fly is the primary carrier of African Sleeping Sickness and is therefore indirectly responsible for killing up to a quarter of a million people every year.
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Ten most dangerous animals in the world (Photos)
6. Leopard
When most animals are wounded they run away and hide. Not leopards. When these dangerous creatures are wounded they become even more dangerous.
Ten most dangerous animals in the world (Photos)
Not only that, but they’re strong. Anyone who has watched the Discovery Channel knows that they like to hide their prey out of reach. Translation: they drag dead antelopes up trees.
5. Carpet Viper
Responsible for the majority of snake related deaths in the world, this viper uses a hemotoxin similar to that of the boomslang.
Ten most dangerous animals in the world (Photos)
Unfortunately most of the bites occur in areas that lack modern medical facilities so the victims slowly bleed to death over the course of several weeks.
4. Hippopotamus
Although they are mostly herbivorous, they are also highly aggressive and are widely regarded as one of the most dangerous animals in Africa.
Ten most dangerous animals in the world (Photos)
They have been known to attack humans without provocation even to the point of destroying entire vehicles.
3. Saltwater Crocodile
Sitting at the top of its food chain the Saltwater Crocodile has been known to eat everything from water buffalo to sharks.
Ten most dangerous animals in the world (Photos)
In order to kill its food it make use of a technique called the “death roll” where it relentlessly flips its prey over and over in the water until it drowns and then comes apart.
2. African Elephant
The world’s largest land animal, elephants can be fiercely aggressive and have been known to trample even a rhinoceros or two to death.
Ten most dangerous animals in the world (Photos)
They seemingly have the capacity to display bouts of rage and have even engaged in activities that have been interpreted as vindictive, razing entire villages in the process.
1. Tiger
The tiger is the largest cat species, most recognisable for their pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside.
The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard.
Tigers are apex predators, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and bovids.
They are territorial and generally solitary but social animals, often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey requirements.
This, when coupled with the fact that they are indigenous to some of the more densely populated places on Earth, has caused significant conflicts with humans.
Of all the cats, Tigers are the most likely to attack humans
Wild tigers that have had no prior contact with humans actively avoid interactions with humans. However, tigers cause more human deaths through direct attack than any other wild mammal.
Attacks are occasionally provoked, as tigers lash out after being injured while they themselves are hunted. Attacks can be provoked accidentally, as when a human surprises a tiger or inadvertently comes between a mother and her young, or as in a case in rural India when a postman startled a tiger, used to seeing him on foot, by riding a bicycle.
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Occasionally tigers come to view people as prey. Such attacks are most common in areas where population growth, logging, and farming have put pressure on tiger habitats and reduced their wild prey.
Most man-eating tigers are old, missing teeth, and unable to capture their preferred prey. For example, the Champawat Tiger, a tigress found in Nepal and then India, had two broken canines. She was responsible for an estimated 430 human deaths, the most attacks known to be perpetrated by a single wild animal, by the time she was shot in 1907 by Jim Corbett.
According to Corbett, tiger attacks on humans are normally in daytime, when people are working outdoors and are not keeping watch.
Early writings tend to describe man-eating tigers as cowardly because of their ambush tactics.
Sometimes distinguishing between furry cuteness and pure destruction is not an easy task. In fact, many of the animals kingdom’s cutest critters also happen to be its most prolific killers. You think that cute little puffer fish is adorable? Will you hold your breath as you reach to pet it? The answer is yes. Forever. So keep that in mind as you read through our list of the worlds most dangerous animals.
Watch this video in which Nigerians react to the soon return of President Muhammadu Buhari.
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