stood there for five minutes. Confused and unhappy. I was still contemplating who I’m going to console when Bidemi came over to my side.
Bidemi: (eyeballs now red) I’m sorry Femi… I don’t know what came over me. I thought she still wants you. I don’t want to share you with anybody… not even my sister.
Me: (now serious) that’s the point. You always want to be in charge. I don’t like being controlled. I have been keeping quite all this while because I love you. If you keep on with this bad attitude of yours… you will only succeeding in pushing me away.
Bidemi: I’m sorry… I’m very sorry
Me: that’s what you always say. I know you did it on purpose. If I don’t like you above her, I won’t have dated you. If you are doing like this towards your own blood: only God knows what you would do if you see me with another girl. I guess you will kill me.
Only if she knows the atrocities being committed by me behind her back.
Bidemi: (seriously crying now) I’m sorry… what do you want me to do?
Me: just go and beg your sister. She’s really hurt now.
Bidemi: (grins) I can’t beg her. I just can’t beg her.
Me: Okay… good… I knew you would say that. If you don’t beg her then…. Then I seize to be your friend.
I left her side and went to Kikelomo’s room. Immediately she saw me, she wiped off the tears in her eyes.
Me: hi… I’m sorry about your sister. I have talked some senses into her. I think she would come and beg you. Just accept her forgiveness.
Kikelomo: (resumes to her crying) I never meant to hit her. I think I overreacted. I knew that she was trying to provoke me…. just beg her for me.
Me: If anybody deserves an apology.. I think it’s you.
I was still chatting with her when my phone rang. It was from my mum. I picked it.
Me: hello… mum
Mummy: hello… where are you?
Me: I’m in Adeboye’s house.
Mummy: good… rush down here right now. your home teacher is here.
Me: Okay… I will be there in five minutes
Mummy: don’t keep us waiting (she ends the call)
I explained everything to Kikelomo and I told her that I would want to have a private chat with her if she doesn’t mind. She replied yes.
I left her room and Bidemi is still in the living room. I dint even tell her that I’m going. I left their house.
Adeboye’s and drama. I rushed to meet my mum.
I was not really happy with the event at Bidemi’s house. And I know that with the way things are going, Bidemi would surely do something that will hurt either of us.
I just have to look for a way to stop loving her. She’s the only girl I truly love. Her love is just unexplainable. Even with her odd behaviour; I still love her.
As I approached our living room; my phone rang. It was my mum. I just entered in on them. She was actually with a lady. I guess her age won’t be more than 24 years (so na dis small girl go con dey teach me chemistry… I don suffer ooo)
Mummy: thank God he’s here (facing the young lady)
Me: ekasan ma (good afternoon ma)
Mummy: welcome… (now facing the young lady)… this is my son. He’s name is Femi… Femi meet Chidinma.
Me: pleasure meeting you.
Chidinma: same here….
Mummy: now that you people have introduced yourselves….. I think the lesson should commence on Monday.
Chidinma: Okay ma…
She greeted us and took her leave. I went to complain to my mummy that I won’t be comfortable with her around me that she is too young to be teaching me. She told me that she’s a 300Level student of Lagos state University studying Biochemistry. They are on holiday now. I think you should just forget about the age and concentrate on your tutorial.
Whenever my mum concludes like that I know that there’s nothing that would change her mind. I just dashed to my room and made a call to Ruka.
Ruka: hello dear
Me: hello sweetpie
Ruka: hope you haven’t forgotten about my audition?
Me: no ooo… I hope you haven’t forgotten about my proposal too. cos I can’t wait for Tuesday to come.
Ruka: don’t worry…. you just come first.
Me: Okay oooo…. I just wished I could start telling you my mind but I might look like a player… a desperado.
Ruka: Hmnnnn…. are you one?
Me: don’t know… why don’t find out yourself.
Ruka: no worries then….
Me: can we see this night?
Ruka: why do you want to see me?
Me: just to look at your beautiful face while the moon glows. You are very beautiful and I will forever remember the day that you accepted to be mine….
Me: it looks like 3years to me. Are we seeing this night?
Ruka: Okay… no problem .. what time?
Me: 7pm…that’s if it’s okay by you
Ruka: no problem…
We talked for awhile and we ended the call. I then resumed to the event at the Adeboye’s…. I dialled Kikelomo’s number . She picks.
Kikelomo: hello
Me: hello…. why is your voice still down like this? hope you dint get into any argument with Bidemi?
Kikelomo: no ooo… I went to plead for my action…. she just rebuffed me.
Me: I thought I told you to let her come to apologise…. anyway; just let her be….. she’s not worth it.
Kikelomo: Okay…. I’m just not happy.
Me: don’t worry… I would call you later in the day. (I ended the call)
It’s almost to 7pm… I have to prepare for Ruka.
I made a call to Motunrayo and she reminded me about her visitation on Tuesday.
It’s now 7pm… I’m now at the gate waiting for Ruka. She showed up and we started chatting.
Me: thanks for honouring me
Ruka: it’s nothing… so I’m here now
Me: Yes ooo… I’m still savouring the moment that you are here with me .
Ruka: savour am well ooo… I wont stay long
Me: at least you ved made my night for coming…. so what inspired you to go into modelling.
She explained and I was really impressed; not because of what inspired her but because of the way she expressed herself. The more I look into her eyes… the more she got more confident in expressing her thoughts. I guessed the modelling lifestyle has moulded her up.
We talked and I guess we both enjoyed our conversation.
It’s now 8:00pm. I’m being cautious that my Dad might come around anytime from now. I was looking for a way to discharge her when I saw his car jeep coming.
O boy… see wahala ….
Me: my dad is here (trying not to show my fear).
Ruka: (panicking) I think I should start going….
Me: (good idea but na fu*kup be this ooo) don’t worry let me just open the gate for him. Then I say goodnight properly.
Ruka: (now afraid) I don’t want trouble..
Why won’t she say a thing like that? My dad once beat up my Badoo’s girlfriend because he met them in my brothers room. The news spread like fire and I’m very sure that she would have heard the story then.
My dad doesn’t allow us to mingle with people living around us. He believes they might be a bad influence.
As I heard his jeep horned; my mind skipped. I went to open the gate. Ruka is not too far from me and he would have guessed that we were together. He drove nearer and came down.
Omo see wahala ooo.
Me: Welcome sir
Ruka: Good Evening sir.
Daddy: yes… what do you want? (facing Ruka)
Ruka: I’m Baba Ruka’s daughter that lives next house.
Daddy: that doesn’t answer my question…. what are you doing here at this time of the day?
Ruka: em em.. I came…. (I cuts her off)
Me: she’s my friend and I called her to make some enquiries about her home teacher.
Daddy: but your mum told me on phone that she introduced one to you today.
Me: (now confident) yes she did… but I told her that I don’t like being tutored by a small girl. so I want to get a good chemistry teacher myself. Then I will explain everything to you, so that you can help me talk her out of employing the small girl.
Dad: (now facing Ruka) is that true?
Ruka: yes sir… (voice shaking)
Dad: that’s alright then… it’s a good thing to hear. Get a good home teacher then I will take care of your mum.
Me: thank you very much sir….
Dad: it’s okay… and as for you Ruka… I would hold you to your word that you are helping him look for a chemistry teacher. I don’t want to hear another story that is different from this one.
Ruka: yes sir (bending her knees a little)
Dad: Okay… Femi, finish your discussion with her and meet me upstairs in the next 5mins.
Me: Okay sir
Ruka: good night sir.
Dad: good night…. em em Ruka..
Ruka: (now Smiling) yes sir… it’s Ruka .
He left us.
To Be Continued…
Guess this episode is unusually long😂😂
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