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Pre-colonial administration in Nigeria: See how it worked!

Are you interested in the topic: what is indirect rule in Nigeria? If yes, read the article below. This will help you to overcome ignorance when it comes to indirect rule and find out more facts about this management system, pre-colonial administration in Nigeria, and its leader.

What is indirect rule in Nigeria?

The era of colonialism is one of the most important stages in the history of mankind. It was colonialism that initiated the process of the subsequent globalization of the world, its transformation to a single economic, technological, and information space.

Pre-colonial administration in Nigeria

We must not forget that colonialism was the first “programme” for the comprehensive and radical transformation of African and Nigerian societies with their subsequent integration into the world system of relations.

Indirect control, whether it be bad or good, laid the foundation for the creation of modern institutions of local government. Indirect rule played an especially important role in the early years. Without indirect rule, it would not have been possible to achieve such great success in the development of the country. The pace of the development would have been much lower if French or even German methods of direct colonial administration have been applied. Then, when the indirect control became obsolete, it ceased to show the necessary flexibility and was eliminated. However, its merits must be taken into account and remembered.

Indirect rule in Nigeria

Frederick John Dealtry Lugard

What is indirect rule in Nigeria in particular?

It can be regarded as a form of showing and proclaiming power in Nigeria. Such method was mainly used by the British and the French. The initial aim of such ruling form was the establishment of control of their colonies.

What are 3 main stages of indirect rule and pre-colonial administration in Nigeria?

The process of formation and development of the indirect management system in Nigeria can be divided into three periods.

What is indirect rule in Nigeria? heads of state

First stage (1900 – 1906)

It was the time when Lugard performed the functions of the High Commissioner of the protectorate of Northern Nigeria. At this stage, only the initial steps were taken to establish and organize British rule. The colonial policy was based on a common conviction of the need to manage dependent peoples through their own traditional institutions of power. This principle of organization of the native administration corresponded to the views of the initiator of the creation of a protectorate – High Commissioner F. Lugard.

Nothern Nigeria

However, there was a strong divergence in the implementation of the overall plan. The real colonial practice in Northern Nigeria was a kind of compromise between the directives of London and individual decisions of Lugard. One of the victories of the High Commissioner was legal justification for British domination in the region by right of conquest, as opposed to the ministerial plans for gradual and peaceful entry.

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At this time, a dependent position of northern Nigerian emirs from the central government was established. In accordance with general ideas of indirect rule, local government structure and taxation were also established. At the same time, there was relative social and political stability.

Second stage (1906 – 1912)

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The beginning of the second stage of the development of indirect rule structure was marked by the resignation of Lugard. A new type of relationship between the governor and residents began. The governor could fully devote himself to the problems of the central administration and the development of the people. The residents enjoy the freedom of action and significant administrative autonomy.

The expansion of the administrative powers of residents was accompanied by the institutional consolidation of their financial independence – the creation of a new local financial body – “native” treasuries. The real management of funds of local administrations has almost completely shifted to residents. This made them the most important and powerful officials in the structure of indirect rule and significantly consolidated their administrative independence.

Third stage (1912 – 1929)

What is indirect rule in Nigeria? lord lugard

The third stage of the development of the system of indirect rule was the time of final ideological creation of the doctrine. By 1912, the process of North Nigerian colonial administration formation was actually completed. However, the system still remained a purely regional phenomenon.

The first step towards its turning into the dominant form of colonial administration in Tropical Africa was the union of the northern and southern territories of Nigeria. The Nigerian Union itself was not directly related to the need to subordinate administrative system of Southern Nigeria to the northern Nigerian methods of indirect control. The main and most important task was financial and transport association of the region.

The first important point was that indirect rule was recognized as a model, which could become the benchmark for all other administrations of British Africa. The experiment for its introduction in Southern Nigeria was to show its universality. In addition, the organization of the association was entrusted to F. Lugard.

His name was so closely associated with the successes of indirect rule in northern Nigeria that it ignored the true aim of this kind of rule and all attention is focused on the forms of organization of the government. His popularity and propaganda abilities guaranteed that the system assumed success regardless of its real results.

What is indirect rule in Nigeria? lugard

What is Lord Lugard personal contribution to Nigeria ruling?

The main role was assigned to F. Lugard. However, his personal role in the creation of the system can’t be exaggerated. The development of the principles for the organization of the colonial administration in Nigeria was a matter of national importance, with a great deal of attention paid to the British government.

The result was in the projects approved by the British Parliament for the organization of the local colonial administration. This was based on certain theoretical concepts and principles, voiced not only by F. Lugard but also by members of the specially created Niger Committee and leading figures of the Ministry of Colonies. His name was always in the center of attention – he was a leader, conqueror, and builder of the Empire.

So, now you know what indirect rule really means, its main stages of changes, and pre-colonial administration in Nigeria with its leader.

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