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Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment: Best recipes

At first glance, unripe plantain is the most common banana, but upon closer inspection, it turns out that it doesn’t resemble this fruit. Banana-vegetable has a hard rind, which is extremely difficult to remove.

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

The fruit is straight and oval, with a skin from light to dark brown in color, with white flesh. The taste of plantain significantly differs from the popular taste of its yellow counterpart. It is slightly sweet, very starchy, and somewhat reminiscent of zucchini.

In many countries they play a role of potatoes and act as a main source of staple food for the common people. Unripe plantains can show their real taste only when they are yellow.

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Benefits of unripe plantain for stomach

Unripe plantain is rich in so many vitamins E, B2, PP, pectin, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, serotonin and starch. It is useful for those, who are suffering from ulcer and other diseases connected with gastrointestinal tract, as well as for diabetics, people who have atheroscleosis, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, anemia, nervous disorders and kidney disease.

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Plantains subjected to heat treatment, significantly lose in calories and sugar, so that you can eat them if you suffer from excess weight and diabetes.

Plantain contains substances that kill bacteria that cause stomach ulcer. Antacid properties of the fruit are released if you consume it with milk. In general, antacids are intended for the treatment of acid-related diseases of the gastrointestinal tract by neutralization of the hydrochloric acid included in the composition of gastric juice.

Plantain flour

Due to the fact that the taste of green fruit doesn’t suit every person, as the alternative you can taste the meal that is much tastier, sweeter and softer. You can opt for plantain flour. Moreover, it is a great source of phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, healthy protein and soluble plant fibers.

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

The composition of plantain flour includes starch which can reduce the risk of diabetes, as this type of starch does not transform into glucose. Thanks to the large amount of fiber it is good for the prevention of colon cancer. Due to the large number of nutrients it strengthens the immune system.

READ ALSO: Health benefits of unripe plantain

Banana flour contains a lot of vitamin B6, which plays an important role in the body’s enzymatic reactions. This vitamin is important for formation of protein and hemoglobin, which helps to supply oxygen to the body and to stabilize the level of glucose in the blood.

Unlike other types of flour, banana flour is gluten free. Therefore, it is recommended for patients with celiac disease. Besides, it helps the body to absorb calcium and for this reason it is useful for strengthening of bone tissues.

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

In Brazil banana flour is used for pasta production. The taste of green pasta is virtually indistinguishable from the taste of usual macaroni. They are of very high quality, have good aroma, taste and texture. This product contains almost no fat and is cheaper for manufacture.

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

How to cook plantain flour?

Plantain flour can be bought in health food stores and you can prepare it by yourself at home. But it is necessary to use only green unripe plantains.

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

  • First of all you need to clean your plantains (though sometimes we use the peel to add more fiber to the flour), then you need to cut plantains into slices and place in a preheated oven with the temperature of about 160 C. Use this method to dry them up until they are completely dry out and firm.
  • Then, let them stay cool and grind them in a blender or coffee grinder to a powder.
  • Sift them through a fine sieve.
  • Cooked product can be stored up to two weeks in a tightly sealed container.

Dosage and application

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

During the diet, the dosage should be not more than two tablespoons a day (about thirty grams). This amount is divided into three stages. Eat one dose of the flour for thirty minutes before meal, spreading it with water, juice, yogurt or low-fat natural yoghurt.

It can be also added to soups, cakes, salads. If you want to lose weight, it is better to take it before meals with beverage to reduce appetite.

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment


You should not eat more than the specified dose of plantain, as this can provide you with unwanted calories. While eating, large amounts of available resistant starch may cause constipation.


You should taste banana flour with caution if you have high levels of potassium in blood, as there is quite a lot of it in this product.

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Unripe plantain for ulcer

If you still have doubts how to cook it right, then read this guide.

  • Peel and wash your plantain;
  • Slice it and cut for small pieces;
  • Find big plastic container, get it dry;
  • Fill it with water – half of it or even more;
  • Put here your sliced plantain;
  • Shake the container and let it stay for fermentation for 2-3 days.
  • After this time it is ready for eating.

How to cure ulcer with unripe plantain?

The answer is quite simple – eat unripe plantain porridge. If you don’t know how to cook unripe plantain porridge, follow these steps:

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

  1. Take several plantains, 1-2 onions, dried crawfish, spinach leaves or pumpkin leaves, salt or pepper, some water or broth, red palm oil.
  2. Put all these ingredients into a large pot and make it boil. Reduce the heat to low-medium after 20-25 minutes of cooking. Check the plantains – they should be soft.
  3. Mash this mixture and add the greens. Don’t forget to let it simmer for some minutes.
  4. Add salt and pepper. Ready!
Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Banana rice

  • Boil one cup of rice in plenty of salted water so that it is not mushy. Pour off the water and make the rice dry;
  • Take 3 bananas and cut them into slices of medium size;
  • Fry them on both sides using 2 tbsp of butter;
  • Gently mix with rice;
  • Before serving, sprinkle black pepper and finely chopped parsley.

READ ALSO: Unripe plantain for weight loss

Now you know that plantain is extremely beneficial for your health, especially for ulcer treatment. All the recipes written here will help you cure ulcer and other gastrointestinal act related diseases.



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