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Saudi Family Doctor explains how to beat your wife

Have you heard the latest news concerning Saudi Arabia women’s rights nullification? You will be shocked by the fact that therapeutist tells how to beat your wife into correct way! Keep reading to now even more shocking Saudi Arabia women’s rights and prohibitions facts.

Saudi Arabia women

Saudi Arabia women’s rights facts: Why do they beat and eat wives?

Saudi Arabia is a country of centuries-old traditions and women have much more prohibitions than rights. This is applied to absolutely all spheres of life: from marriage to public transport.

It’s all about the Saudi Arabia Islamic law that many generations of Arabs have used to. Punishment for its violation can be quite heavy: a woman can be exposed to a slightly deadly danger.

Why and how to beat your wife

Men in Islam religion have right to beat their wives for disobedience. A year ago, people were able to learn by what and how it is better to beat your wife as per the rules of Islamic law thanks to the video with Saudi Family Doctor Khaled Al-Saqaby. You can see this video at the end of the article.

Doctor Khaled Al-Saqaby

Saudi Arabia women’s rights facts: Why do they beat and eat wives?

The doctor considers the punishment as the main task of beating, accustoming a wife to discipline, and but not removing his anger. According to him, this measure should be used only if a wife does not fulfill her duties and behaves disobediently.

The husband must first try to use other methods of influence on the woman prescribed by the Quran: the conversation and the refusal to share the bed with her. Only after this, it is essential to resort to flogging.

For beating should not be used a stick or sharp objects. Khaled al-Sakabi recommends instead a handkerchief or sivak – a stick from arak, used for cleaning teeth.

Saudi Arabia women's rights

Saudi Arabia women’s rights facts: Why do they beat and eat wives?

The expert recognizes the delicacy of the problem. “This question is thorny and it contains many dangers,” – says the doctor. Still, he is sure: “If it is the will of Allah, we will cross this bridge safely.”

The doctor sees the problem in the behavior of women. Furthermore, in his opinion, many women provoke their husbands to physical punishment.

Can a husband eat his wife?

One more interesting fact regarding women’s rights in Saudi Arabia is below.

Supreme mufti Abdul Azi ibn Abdullah Al-ash-Sheikh issued a fatwa according to which Muslims can engage in cannibalism, namely – they have right to eat their own wives, according to the British edition the Metro.

Mufti Abdul Azi ibn Abdullah Al-ash-Sheikh

Saudi Arabia women’s rights facts: Why do they beat and eat wives?

The fatwa is a decision on an issue in Islam, issued by the mufti, faqih or alim, and which is based on the principles of Islam and on the precedents of Muslim legal practice.

However, it is allowed to eat a wife only in the case of extreme hunger of a man.

Social networks in Saudi Arabia have vigorously reacted to the appearance of this fatwa. Almost everyone was surprised by this news, so the mufti explained that the fatwa should be interpreted as evidence of women’s sacrifice and obedience to their husbands, their desire to become part of a whole with men.

READ ALSO: Inheritance in Islam

10 more facts applied to different kinds of prohibitions for Saudi Arabia women

1. A woman must have a male guardian.

A woman cannot do anything without a male guardian. Most often, it’s a father or a brother, maybe even a son, if there are no other men. Without his permission, a woman cannot get married, get an education, go to work or go somewhere. Even a medical operation requires the consent of the guardian.

Saudi Arabia women

Saudi Arabia women’s rights facts: Why do they beat and eat wives?

2. If a woman has influenced the reputation of a male guardian.

It is believed, that if a guardian has lost control of a woman, then he loses his honor in the eyes of society. Therefore, guardians require prudent behavior. Otherwise, the man will have the right to punish and even to kill a woman. In 2007, a father killed his daughter for communicating with a guy on Facebook. A terrible shame if a woman is arrested by a religious police. In 2009, after such arrest, the brothers shot their sisters in the presence of their father. For the fact that they were talking to strangers.

Saudi Arabia women

Saudi Arabia women’s rights facts: Why do they beat and eat wives?

3. On the street, women cannot appear having open parts of the body.

According to Sharia law, a woman must hide her appearance in public places so that another man cannot be tempted. In some provinces, women close absolutely everything: only eyes and hands remain open. Religious police are not slumbering: since 2011, it requires closing also eyes, because they can be “too sexy.”

Saudi Arabia women

Saudi Arabia women’s rights facts: Why do they beat and eat wives?

4. Women are not allowed to leave special “women’s” zones.

In Saudi Arabia, everything is divided according to the sexual principle: male guardians try to protect their women as much as possible from any contact with unfamiliar men. Many houses have two entrances, public places are divided into “zones”, even schoolchildren of different sexes study in different buildings and at different times. If a woman leaves her “zone”, this will be considered a serious crime.

5. A woman is not allowed to work where she likes.

In Saudi Arabia, any hired work for women is not encouraged. From the very childhood, girls are taught that their task is to give birth and bring up children and take care of the family. Still, if they can work, but not everywhere: the available specialties are a doctor, a nurse, a teacher.

Saudi Arabia women's Olympic team

Saudi Arabia women’s rights facts: Why do they beat and eat wives?

6. A woman is prohibited from attending outdoor sports events.

Even though there are women’s teams in the state, it is forbidden for women to participate in any meaningful competitions. Until 2008, Saudi Arabia was the only state in the world that did not allow women athletes to take part in the Olympic Games.

Saudi Arabia women's

Saudi Arabia women’s rights facts: Why do they beat and eat wives?

7. Women are prohibited from driving a car.

Most Saudi scientists and religious figures consider driving a car by a woman as a sin. The licenses for driving are not given to women, even if they have a foreign driving license.

Saudi Arabia women and public transport

Saudi Arabia women’s rights facts: Why do they beat and eat wives?

8. Women are not allowed to use public transport.

First, it is a fraught of a contact with unfamiliar men (for this, as you already know, they can be easily killed), secondly, many transport companies do not transport women. However, there are exceptions: some trains have wagons with a separate entrance for women.

9. A woman is forbidden to choose her husband.

Although the religious committee also banned the practice of forced marriages in 2005, the contract between the bride and the bride’s father must be compulsory. At the same time, it is considered that the girl is suitable for marriage from the age of 9, the boy – from 15.

Saudi Arabia women in prison

Saudi Arabia women’s rights facts: Why do they beat and eat wives?

10. A woman cannot leave the prison ahead of schedule.

In Saudi Arabia, religious police can arrest a woman literally for anything: for “wrong clothes”, for communicating with a stranger, for being familiar with, say, a future rapist. A woman can be released from prison only by permission of a male guardian. It often happens that guardians insist on increasing the sentence, and then women are forced to stay in prison for many years.

As you can see, woman’s life in Saudi Arabia is not easy at all but we do not have the right to judge. All this are religious matters. There are rules everywhere, and if women agree with these prohibitions, it means that everything suits them. Share this article with your friends, let them also know women prohibitions in Saudi Arabia.

READ ALSO: Crowd cheers as Muslim woman is being punished in public for infidelity (photos/video)



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