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Petty: Donald Trump refuses to shake German leader's hand (Video)

President Donald Trump has refused to shake the hands of Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany.

Trump and Merkel met at a joint appearance at the White House and the US president completely ignored Merkel’s hand.

While the President Trump had earlier greeted the German leader with a handshake upon her arrival at the White House, he appeared to ignore requests to do so as the pair sat together later in front of TV cameras, The Independent reports.

While the Merkel defended stance on refugees and globalisation, Trump again used the phrase ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ in their first face-to-face meeting.

While the Merkel defended stance on refugees and globalisation, Trump again used the phrase ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ in their first face-to-face meeting.

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When photographers called for the two to shake hands, Ms Merkel said: “Do you want to have a handshake?”

Trump briefly turned towards her, but continued sitting with his legs apart and hands together.

Merkel turned back to the camera, looking a bit flushed.

However, both leaders described their meeting in brief remarks to reporters as having been very good.

Merkel and Trump has different ideologies when it comes to immigration policy. While the Merkel defended stance on refugees and globalisation, Trump again used the phrase ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ in their first face-to-face meeting.

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Merkel, who addressed the media through an interpreter, said: “It’s always better to talk to one another than about one another.”

Meanwhile, Trump has suffered another humiliating defeat again as a U.S. federal judge in Hawaii on Wednesday issued an emergency halt to the order’s implementation of his revised travel ban which was expected to take effect hours later.

The court verdict was the latest legal blow to Trump’s efforts to temporarily ban refugees as well as travelers from six predominantly Muslim countries.



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