Editor’s note: David Emmanuel, the ZENITHBLOG.com partner blogger, in this article, explains how cultism started in the Nigerian tertiary institutions and what should be done to curb the menace, if not totally eradicated.
David Emmanuel is the CEO of fedpolynasnews.com.ng
He could be contacted through: fedpolynasnews.com.ng or davidemmanuel61@yahoo.com
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Cultism is perhaps one of the greatest problems confronting our tertiary institutions today in Nigeria. In recent years, this plague has assumed a frightening and deadly dimension. Its spread to secondary (and even primary) schools in the country is enough to give every caring parent a cause to lose sleep.
The term “cult” has been defined somewhere as “a group of people engaged in a form of ritual usually under oath, binding the members to a common cause”. Such groups of individuals operate covertly in furtherance of their objective which is usually detrimental to the interest of others.
READ ALSO: What is cultism and its effects?
In fact, a cult is a group of people which places a secondary need in the position of a primary need. In other words, any group of people that places emphasis on secret initiation or rituals for the purpose of group-help, group protection but whose activities are clandestine in nature is a cult.
Cultism in Nigeria tertiary institutions goes back to Professor Wole Soyinka’s college days, when he and some of his colleagues founded Pirate confraternity with a view to fighting against colonial oppression.
But it is sad that today our young people commandeered this reason and began doing it for antagonistic plan. The outcomes of cultism on people may include among others:
• The cultists may live in interminable bondage and dread. This is on the grounds that cultists are continually watching their backs since adversary cliques are dependably at ‘war’.
• Cultists are constantly damaging, coldblooded, headstrong and mischievous; so a very much mannered person that enjoys cultism will consequently change his great conduct to a callous individual.
• Most cultists have no respects for good and values.
• Possible rustication from school.
At times, cultists’ brutalities had caused the loss of school foundation and these frameworks are essential prerequisites for affecting information; thus of this the learning procedure is hampered, subsequently perception is not totally inferred.
The vandalization frameworks require colossal assets to supplant them. In doing this, cash intended to be spent on enhancing the schools offices are occupied into supplanting decimated types of gear/offices, thus diminishing subjective and quantitative learning.
Understudies are straightforwardly annoyed and
Indeed, even school staffs are hesitant to complete their obligations subsequently of the exercises of cultists. This has prompted to delivering silly graduates and the arrangement of low quality training. A few students have even quit school subsequently because of cultists’ activities.
To annihilate the demonstration of cultism or decrease it to the barest minimum, the perils of enjoying occultic acts ought to be appropriately underscored amid the introduction of crisp understudies. Security ought to be expanded inside and around our school premises to checkmate the conveying of arms and illicit weapons into our society.
The high cost of instruction in the nation ought to be lessened in light of the fact that destitution and absence of assets is one of the reasons a few young people are in cultism. Religious associations ought to compose youth programmes that focus on the impacts of cultism.
Guardians ought to screen the wards to guarantee that they are not adversely affected by companion bunches. Our tertiary institutions ought to set up tribunals that would guarantee that cultist is legitimately attempted and sentence when gotten.
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The devastation of cultism in our grounds is extremely tremendous and if not appropriately checked, it would change into something else and would render our society unquenchable’.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the editorial policy of ZENITHBLOG.com.
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