If you are a Nigerian who live in Lagos or any other busy city, you will understand how important motor cycles which are popularly known as Okadas are.
Some safety tips have to be stuck to in order not to fall from these motorcycles.
They can get you to your destination within a very short time without making you sit in the unbearable traffic in some of the cities. There are also some places with bad roads that it would be impossible for you to drive through even though you have a car.
As much as Okadas are useful and can prevent you from missing out on an important event, there are some risks attached to using them.
Motor cycles have increased the number of accident cases recorded in the country as many have met their doom while riding on the bike. A few lucky ones sustain various degrees of injury while many develop phobia for it.
Some Okada riders have also become notorious with the rate at which they seize people’s bags and make away with their valuables. Robbers get to escape when they carry out their evil acts. The way they appear in every corner of the road makes it difficult to drive since a careless bike rider can leave his lane and cause an accident.
Due to these and other reasons, the government is doing all it could to reduce their population even though they are highly useful. The employment rate may also double as many of the riders will be left jobless and idle at the long run. If this eventually happens, the crime rate will increase and the country will have to focus more on security plans.
Now that we have established the reasons people ride on Okada, here are a few things you need to know if you are a regular rider of the motor cycle:
1. Avoid wearing dangling clothes
Some materials are not so safe to be worn when riding a motor cycle in Nigeria. They are most likely to put you at risk since they can get trapped in the moving machine.
Dressing smartly while riding a bike will prevent you from exposing yourself to more dangers.
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2. Do not ride when the motorcyclist is drunk
Be sure that the motorcyclist is sane enough to ride.
Many of the bike riders are reckless; it is important for you to be sure they are not drunk before mounting their motor cycles.
Do not allow a bike rider cut short your life or make you become an amputee. As soon as you perceive alcohol or cigarette from their breath, walk ahead till you find a rider sane enough to listen to instructions.
3. Riding at night is risky
As much as you can, try to move around during the day if you must take an Okada. Riding bikes in the night can endanger your life.
The bike rider may not be able to maneuver the pits on the roads at night. Also, some of the bikes are in bad states
Taking one-way with a bike at night can cause a head-on collision with an oncoming vehicle.
4. Ride with older men
Avoid riding with the entire member of the family on a bike.
While older men may not be able to get you to your destination in time, they will be more careful and will not drive anyhow.
Young bike riders are most times reckless; they are always in a hurry and may want to perform stunt while carrying passengers.
Do not let them use you for experiment. The older men are more responsible; they have family members depending on them and would not want their children to be fatherless.
5. Do not let children ride if they won’t be protected
Letting children ride on the motorcycles is not safe. They should be chaperoned.
The idea of letting bike men take your children to school is bizarre; if you must make them ride, then provide a chaperone that will sit behind them.
Note that it is not advisable to pack up to four children on a bike too. They can fall off while the motor cycle is moving.
Children may not be able to caution the bike riders the way an adult would. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should stay away from bike.
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6. Never ride an Okada on express roads
Riding alone with the motorcyclist is a better way of keeping safe.
Cars move at a greater speed while on the highway. Riding a bike on this road puts you at risk of having an accident as some car can kick you from your lane and put you in the other lane.
Trailers also use the express more and the truck drivers may not have the patience to wait for a bike rider to pass.
The end result is always fatal. Whenever a bike rider tries to goad you into taking the express, remember there is a thin life between life and death.
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