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Latest Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria 2017

What are the Latest Ponzi schemes in Nigeria 2017? People in Nigeria have hard times to earn their money. Sometimes they seek possibilities to invest money into projects and get some profit from it. Nevertheless, some frauds use Nigerians to lure their money from pockets. Check the list of Pyramid scheme in Nigeria!

Latest Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria 2017

Latest Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria 2017

Latest Ponzi Scheme in Nigeria

What is a Ponzi Scheme? It`s a fraudulent scheme invented by an Italian businessman Ponzi in the early 20th century. He created a simple system where old investors get profit from the new investors. Unfortunately, this scheme can`t last long as one day the sum of money from new investors will not be enough to cover the debt to the old investors. Therefore, the scheme will collapse.

List of Ponzi scheme in Nigeria. Top 10.


Greenspeer Ponzi Scheme

Latest Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria 2017

It`s one of the latest Ponzi Scheme in Nigeria. It was created in December 2016, and thousands of Nigerians have already applied to this scheme. It works simple enough. You just need to register on the official website of the Greenspeer and invest 5 000 Naira into the account of the another member. Therefore, you will get the level one of membership. It means that you will get 10000 Naira from other two members. When you get to the level two, you need to pay 5000 Naira, and you will get 20 000 Naira from other four members. You will rise in ranks until you get to level five where you have to donate 100 000 Naira get 1 000 000 Naira from other ten members.


Netelites Ponzi Scheme

Latest Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria 2017

It`s another peer to peer donation in Nigeria. Everything works quite simple. You just need to register in the system and invest money into the system. There is no central account and actual address of the project. Therefore, if you the system crashes – you will lose your money and will never know whom to blame. You give money to one participant, and two other participants double your investment. The system repeats until there will be no new investors.

Global Cash Nigeria

Global Cash Nigeria

Latest Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria 2017

Does Global Cash Nigeria produce any goods or provide any services for money? No! Does this Ponzi Scheme in Nigeria explain where else it gets money if not from new members? No! How can you earn money with Global Cash Nigeria? You just need to register on their official website and invest $50 into the system. It`s one-time payment, after that you should try to create your pyramid. You need to find other six people who would also be willing to pay $50 to the system. Therefore, the more people you involve into your pyramid, the more money you get from the pyramid. It`s a classic Ponzi Scheme where old members get paid by new members.


Claritta Ponzi Scheme

Latest Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria 2017

It`s one of the Ponzi schemes in Nigeria! Claritta uses classic peer-to-peer donations. Therefore, there is no centralized bank account or office for this organization. Everything you should know is that you pay 1500 Naira and in seven days get paid by 4 Claritta members with 1500 Naira each. The cycle continues until there will be no new members to pay extra money. If you are lucky and you get somewhere on the top of this pyramid, then you can earn some money. Nevertheless, if you are unlucky and the system shuts down, or you can`t donate more – you can lose all money you have invested into Claritta.

Paradise Payment Nigeria

Paradise Payment Nigeria

Latest Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria 2017

It`s the most realistic peer-to-peer donation in Nigeria. It rises quite fast in the ranks. You just need to find the official website of Paradise Payment Nigeria and register in their system. When you register into the system, you should invest 3000 Naira into your account. You can only earn from other

people. Therefore, you should create your 1-5 matrix to get minimum donations from the pyramid. Paradise Payment Nigeria produces nothing and provides nothing. It`s a system where you build your pyramid of Paradise Payment Nigeria and get money from the members who is in the lower member of the pyramid.

Joyful Donor

Joyful Donor

Latest Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria 2017

It`s one of the quickest participants in the list of pyramid schemes in Nigeria. It also has no centralized bank account. People pay to each other just simply on the peer-to-peer basis. Joyful Donor promises members to double their investments within twenty-four hours. It means that if you have invested 10 000 Naira, you can get 20 000 Naira in twenty-four hours. How do they get 10 000 more Naira in twenty-four hours? It`s not a mystery! They get this amount of money from newly joined members. Unfortunately, the website of Joyful Donor has some malfunctions recently. It means that everybody who`ve invested their money there – are not able to take the money back.

Givers Forum

Givers Forum

Latest Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria 2017

It`s another scheme in our list of Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria. This platform claims to be a helper organization that provides money for the people who are willing to donate to the people who need this money. Nevertheless, they promise return of payment at least 10% in a week. It means that if you`ve pledged 100 000 Naira to someone, you can ask for help in 140 000 Naira within one month. Still, you have to return the money back into the system in the limited amount of time, or you will be banned.

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Get Help Worldwide

Get Help Worldwide

Latest Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria 2017

Get Help Worldwide is another Ponzi Scheme that gives you 30% profit within 30 days. They do not explain where do they get 30% to you, but it`s clear that they get this money from new members of the project. There is no actual address of Get Help Worldwide. Therefore, if everything gets collapsed, you will have nobody to claim your money back.

NNN Nigeria

NNN Nigeria

Latest Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria 2017

What can you gain from NNN Nigeria – another latest Ponzi Scheme in Nigeria 2017? If you manage to create an account on the official website and invest money into your account, then within one month you can get 35% profit of whatever you invest into the scheme. You can also get referral bonuses. Do not forget that you can leave any time. Still, it`s a classic Ponzi Scheme and when the promoters decide to close this fraudulent scheme – nobody will stop them. Where do they get a profit of 35%? They do not run any business that can provide them that kind of revenue every month. The only answer is that they get money from new members. This business model will not last long as it`s completely dependent on the income of new members.

MMM Nigeria

MMM Nigeria

Latest Ponzi Schemes in Nigeria 2017

It`s frozen now, and the government continues its investigation. Nevertheless, it`s the most dangerous Ponzi Scheme in Nigeria in 2016 and probably in 2017. Mavrodi claims that MMM Nigeria will return to Nigeria and continue its existence. It should be reminded that millions of Nigerians lost their money due to this fraudulent scheme. MMM Nigeria promised super profit within a short amount of time, but when the new funds became insufficient to pat the debts to the old investors, the scheme collapsed. Ponzi Schemes are not created to last for long.

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