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How to make Nigerian pancakes? – Best recipes

Do you know what the best ways to make Nigerian pancakes are? What are their ingredients? And how can you make them at home? You can learn everything about them from this article.

how to make nigerian pancakes

What can be better than some hot and fresh Nigerian pancakes for breakfast? Not only they are easy to make so that even the biggest dummy in cooking can handle, but also they are incredibly delicious and go with almost any possible topping you have in your fridge.

READ ALSO: How to make pancakes?

So, if you want to master the easy recipe of Nigerian pancakes, then this article is exactly what you need. We will teach you how to make Nigerian pancakes in several different ways. So, do not hesitate to finish this article and share it with friends who will enjoy the situation as well.

nigerian pancakes

How to make Nigerian pancakes?

Nigerian pancakes are thin and delicious. Unlike the popular recipes of thick ones which come in all kinds of shapes, these ones are thin and round and made to be eaten with different jam flavors, fruit, berries, or even ice-cream.

Do not think that pancake is just a dessert or an additional meal you can make for the time after you had a substantial meal. On the contrary, thanks to the great ingredients they are made of, they can be eaten as a whole self-sufficient meal packed with useful components like protein, carbohydrates, fats and even oil.

Thus, instead of making several meals, you can focus on cooking these great Nigerian pancakes and helping your whole family feel full and happy till the next time you have the meal.

how to make pancakes


  • Slightly less than a cup of regular flour
  • Two eggs of regular size
  • Half a cup of milk
  • Two tbsp. of margarine
  • A cup of water
  • Sugar to taste
  • Oil
how to make nigerian pancakes

How to make the dough for the Nigerian pancakes?

  1. Start with melting down the margarine in the microwave. You can use the regular cooker for the same purpose but only bear in mind that this might need more supervision than merely melting it in the microwave. In fact, some even prefer doing in in the oven, as they believe that microwaves are not good for your health, but that is still a question to answer. So, pick whatever you prefer.
  2. Next, consider adding the eggs to the melted butter. Make sure to turn them into a homogenous mixture by mixing it all nicely together. Once these two ingredients are mixed, add the water in the amount mentioned in the Ingredients section.
  3. Finally, take the flour and add it to the mixture. You should mix it until you see no lumps left in the bowl. It might take up some time, so do not rush. The lumps will not fry well, so to prevent any unfortunate surprises, you should mix until all the lumps are gone completely.
  4. After all, this is done, take the rest of the ingredient including those to your taste and stir them all in a bowl. Alternatively, you also use the blender, as mixing it manually can be a tiring experience. If you want to make your pancakes not sweet, then make sure to cut some onions or garlic and adding it to the mixture. Then take the blender and turn it all into a homogenous mixture.

Now, as the dough is ready, proceed to the next steps of cooking the Nigerian pancakes.

how to cook pancakes

Nigerian pancakes guide

  1. To make these pancakes, you will need to get a frying pan of the diameter you want your pancakes to come in. Put the frying pan on the cooker. Do not make the heat excess, as you might end up burning all the pancakes.
  2. Then take the oil of your choice and put some of it on the pan. This will help you prevent the pancakes from sticking. Do not put too much oil though as you can ruin their taste and make it a source of bad cholesterol.
  3. Take the batter and a spoon. Then pour it onto the surface of the frying pan and make sure to spread it out to cover the whole surface and not just some areas. Do not put too much batter in the pan, as the thick pancakes might take longer to fry. So, they might burn on the outside but remain raw on the inside.
  4. Finally, after the batter stayed on the pan for some time, flip it over. You will know that it is time to flip it, as it gets easier to loosen the edges. Take a spatula (preferably wooden one) and use it to flip the pancake over.

Do not leave it on the other side for too long, as the dark brown pancakes taste bitter. Just let them get fried and flip.

Now your Nigerian pancakes are ready to be served. Make sure to check out what we suggest as the best toppings for these pancakes in this article.

how to make nigerian pancakes

Another recipe of the Nigerian pancakes

If you want some other recipe of the Nigerian pancakes, then you should definitely try this one too. It is just as easy to make, but it can be eaten not only with some sweet fillings but with meat, beans and other salty food. So, read on to learn more about another great Nigerian pancake recipe.

how to make nigerian pancakes

Ingredients you will need:

  • Half a cup of regular flour
  • Two eggs
  • Half a cup of milk
  • Half a cup of drinking water
  • Two tbsp. of butter
  • A couple of tbsp. of sugar
  • Chilli pepper
  • One onion
  • Some salt to taste
  • Oil
how to make nigerian pancakes

Things to bear in mind

Some people prefer using the evaporated milk instead of regular one. They should bear in mind that when using these different types of milk, their proportions might differ too. So, do pay attention to this important detail.

Meanwhile, also make sure that to add the chili pepper and onions you will have to use a blender for them. They should be turned into a homogenous mixture with the batter. Otherwise, they will cause the lumps and other unpleasant situations.

how to make nigerian pancakes

How to make the Nigerian pancakes?

Now let’s go step by step through this recipe to see what exactly one has to do to make nice and tasty Nigerian pancakes.

  1. Start by whisking the eggs and the butter you should have previously melted in the oven. Make sure not to turn it into a complete liquid substance, but rather into a thick homogenous mixture. Add the sugar too and mix it all together.
  2. Then, add the rest of the ingredients except for flour and water. Add them one by one to avoid possible lumps. This does not taste or look well.
  3. Once everything is mixed, start adding the flour gradually. Remember to whisk the mixture at all times to prevent possible lumps. Finally, add some water. The amount of water you add depends on how smooth and thin you want these pancakes to be. You don’t even have to use all the water.
  4. Some people also use the baking powder if they want their pancakes to raise. However, it is up to you.
  5. The process of making these pancakes is very similar to the ones mentioned above, so we will simply use the same explanation here.
  6. Start with greasing the frying pan of the diameter you want with oil. Alternatively, you can use butter for the same purpose.
  7. Then take the oil of your choice and put some of it on the pan. This will help you prevent the pancakes from sticking. Do not put too much oil though as you can ruin their taste and make it a source of bad cholesterol.
  8. Take the batter and a spoon. Then pour it onto the surface of the frying pan and make sure to spread it out to cover the whole surface and not just some areas. Do not put too much batter in the pan, as the thick pancakes might take longer to fry. So, they might burn on the outside but remain raw on the inside.
  9. Finally, after the batter stayed on the pan for some time, flip it over. You will know that it is time to flip it, as it gets easier to loosen the edges. Take a spatula (preferably wooden one) and use it to flip the pancake over.

Do not leave it on the other side for too long, as the dark brown pancakes taste bitter. Just let them get fried and flip.

Now, as your pancakes are done, remember to have some toppings for them to add the flavor.

how to make nigerian pancakes

Perfect toppings for your pancakes

  • Sour cream goes with everything. So, let it be your first choice. And remember about all of its health benefits!
  • Honey is another great choice which can not only contribute to the superior taste of these pancakes but also boost your immune system as a bonus.
  • Berries might vary depending on your taste and preferences. Besides, we recommend you adding berries which are seasonal, as they are the healthiest choice you can opt for.
  • Custard might be a great option too only if you have it, as people from some regions might have no access to it.

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  • Jam is something we all have at home. It is a great addition to these delicious pancakes, as it is also healthy and depending on the fruit you used for it can significantly contribute to one’s health.
  • Ice cream will go with sweet pancakes. So, pay attention not to add the onions if you want to serve the pancakes with a sweet topping.
  • Nuts are great for your memory and general well-being. So, when to add to the pancakes, they can serve you well. However, they should not be eaten on an empty stomach and must be only consumed in moderation.
  • Yogurt will go well with the pancakes. Besides, it can make them even more light and smoother. Besides, if you choose plain yogurt, it will help you digest and balance the level of sweetness of the pancakes.
  • Bananas and chocolate is by far our favorite choice, as it is not only healthy but also incredibly delicious.

All in all, making Nigerian pancakes can be a fun activity. It si not at all complicated once you learn the system and can help you whenever you need ideas for a good breakfast or a fast, yummy meal. Enjoy!



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