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Abakaliki rice, what is it?

Do you know what Abakaliki rice is? What makes it special and where can one find it? Why do so many people choose it over other foods? You can learn it here in this article.

Abakaliki rice, what is it?

Abakaliki rice, what is it?

People who live in Ebonyi State are majorly involved in farming. They everything good farming takes perfect climate conditions, moisture, sandy soil, etc. Among the things they farm are cocoyam, yam, rice, and cassava, state trusted the source.

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However, the rice production takes a special place in their farming experience. There are many reasons for it including their climate conditions as well as other beneficial things. However, it is not just some local rice they are involved in farming. It is special rice with its incredible nutritional values.

In this article, we will talk more about this type of rice and its peculiarities. But let’s start with a question which is of great interest to many of our users.

Abakaliki rice

Abakaliki rice, what is it?

Rice farming in Nigeria

Since rice is a highly nutritious product, people get more of it and add it to their daily ration. For this reason, entrepreneurs from all over Nigeria get involved in rice farming. This is a profitable business which not only brings you revenue but also provides enough food for the population.

The whole region is known for this type of rice farming. And this tradition roots back to times when the state was not even formed. Here is what the scholars say about it:

“Early in 1971, we sold a bushel of rice at 10 Naira here, and by then there was nothing like foreign rice. All Ebonyi people were farmers; we never knew any other handwork except farming. And when you come here, you see enough rice, food stuff such as cassava, yam and that’s why we name Ebonyi State, the Food Basket of the Nation.

Back in 1980s people from as far as Lagos, Benin, Port Harcourt usually come to buy Abakaliki rice. In those days, 15 trailer load of the commodity, 50 to 60 Mercedes Benz 911 lorries, aside other small vehicles such as pick-up vans leave the mill every day.”

Abakaliki rice Nigeria

Abakaliki rice, what is it?

Today, the authorities want to invest more funds in this business, as it keeps the whole nation fed. That is why trusted sources mention that several million Naira were given to help develop this area. They encourage men and women from all over the country to get into this type of business. They provide seeds and essential equipment to have people produce rice.

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There are special lands reserved for those who will get into the rice farming. There is even a whole company which is specialized in producing rice. The company is called Abakaliki Rice Mill. In fact, here is what this company is


“This large cluster of rice milling industry is owned and managed by private individuals and cooperative societies who have their milling machines, while the government only collects royalties/levies from them. Usually, people come from far and near to the mill to buy or sell rice on a daily basis.”

Abakaliki rice Africa

Abakaliki rice, what is it?

Is Abakaliki rice brown?

How does this type of rice look like? It is a good question which every reader should know once he decides to search for such rice to add it to his daily ration. The truth is that this rice is not brown. It has light milk color. However, once it is exposed to high temperature, it becomes white.

Nevertheless, with the technologies advancing really fast, we now have some sorts of Abakaliki rice which are darker than the regular one, and some might even call it brown given its milk shade.

Abakaliki rice vs Ofada rice

Abakaliki rice, what is it?

Is Abakaliki rice the same as Ofada rice?

Unlike what some people say, these are two different types of rice. The first thing to bear in mind is that some Ofada rice varieties are red or brown. However, there is a white Ofada rice which is often confused with Abakaliki rice, but they are still not the same. They are both very healthy and useful for one’s health but contain different nutrients. So, they should not be confused.

Abakiliki rice production

If you wonder what Abakaliki rice is the best on the market, then you definitely should learn more about the one called Abakaliki Rice Gold. They say that given its quality, it really is the best rice available. He next one we will mention is known as Abakaliki Rice Superior which comes second on our list. However, its quality is still very high.

Thus, if you are thinking of eating more of this product on a regular basis to improve your health condition, then these two types of rice is what you should opt for among a great variety of choices.

Abakaliki rice production

Abakaliki rice, what is it?

All in all, this is a fantastic food which can help you improve the general health condition. Besides, it is local; so, when eating it, you support the domestic economy. Thus, don’t hesitate to eat this product for the best of your health!



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