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Check out 10 qualities you must look out for in a partner before marriage

Gone are the days when parents go all the way to know the family history of who their child is getting married to but that does not mean people no longer research into or get to know their partner before getting married.

In recent time, only few people believe in parents match-making their children, as the youths prefer to personally meet the man or the lady they intend spending the rest of their lives with. This would enable them study each other’s character so they know if they are compatible or not.

However, in a relationship men and women need to be very careful in choosing a life partner which is the main essence of courtship before marriage. Courtship is said to be the period where lovers get to know each other and decide if there will be an engagement or other such agreement.

10 qualities you must look out for in a partner before marriage

Nigerian lady and her sweetheart

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Despite the various qualities people look out for in their spouse before marriage, brings you 10 qualities to look for in a partner before marriage:


Couples need sacrifice for each other for them to have a smooth relationship. Life is a case of gift and take.

Relationships are built on love but the strength of a relationship is dependent on sacrifices. When you’re seriously dating someone, you will inevitably need to make some sacrifices for them. This means sometimes doing things you don’t exactly want to do that you know will make your partner happy.

class="align-left">6. DOES HE/SHE TRUST YOU?:

If you do not trust your partner, there is no way both of you would be happy in a relationship because you have learnt not to believe whatever he or she does talkless of say to you.

A relationship built on total honesty will never lack trust.


Someone who is materialistic and enjoys splurging on extravagances probably won’t last very long with someone who is down-to-earth and likes to rough it.

However, a man who enjoys going out late with his guy friends frequently may not be the best choice for a woman who values quiet nights at home. While it is always nice for potential partners to be able to teach one another new hobbies, the core beliefs of a couple need to be similar. Marriage has ups and downs and during those difficult times, basic values in life are one of the things that keep a couple grounded.


In every relationship, one must learn how to commit everything into God’s hands before taking any decision. You must learn to put God first before taking any decision. Even in marriages, you must teach your family to have the fear the God in their hearts.

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