16-year-old fast rising Nollywood actress Regina Daniels, shared photos as she had a nice time in the pool with her friends, but most of her followers feel it isn’t right exposing her body on social media at her age.
Some comments from her fans
kellschi Ur getting to wide for Ur age babes it not even meant to be on social media at Ur age in different real sense if u had a good adviser. Why not pick role models in no llc wood and follow Der steps so u wnt bring shame to those of us who have watched u grow. we all swim OK so don’t give an excuse Der are lots of decent swim suits out Der. stop posting such pictures please
pwedee_4otune@_Lord_princess lol go murder urself, she wanted comments abi?? Now she garrit… You’re just stupid.. Do u even think urs counts???? Go hug transformer buh I’ll still tel her dah she ain’t decent one bit.. Decency my dr promotes respect..
pearlelsie909 the gal can be annoying, rude, silly, stupid also nd she thinks she’s on top of the world cus she has made it….she was rude when i met with her tho… more reason why i dislike her… Cheers
chiomzyfresh Hmmm just watching Regina…
elnaspark2Hmmm so she should wear abagda and buba 2swin, ,,,, yeye ppl,,,, sweddy dat d best thing 2wear when swimming
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