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See Why This 8yr old Boy is Growing old Faster Than a Normal human and Might Died at Age 13


Bayezid Hossain from southern Bangladesh suffers progeria, a rare disease which makes the body aged eight times than a normal.

Believe it or not this old-looking guy is just 4 years old.36B43E3900000578-0-image-a-3_1469803377686

Bayezid was born in a government maternity hospital in 2012. Sadly, his parents were devastated because doctors weren’t able to help him.


His mother Tripti, 18, said “I was terrified to see him when he was born. He was just flesh and bones. He looked like an alien and it was heartbreaking for me. Doctors had no idea what to do, they said they had never seen such a baby. They warned us that there was nothing they could do.”

Despite the kid’s condition, the family of three went home without receiving any support from the local government.

What’s even worst is, they became the main target of gossip.36B43E5100000578-0-image-m-7_1469803396204

Bayezid’s father Lovelu, 22, is a laborer who only earns Rs 5,000 (£50) a month. Despite being a laborer, he has already spent approximately Rs 4 Lakh (£4,000) in search for his son’s cure.

He said, “We’ve been to hospitals, shrines, fakirs, shamans— whoever suggested whatever. Yet his situation remains the same and he’s probably getting even worse day by day. My son isn’t a normal baby and it’s tragic for any parent to know that his child will not survive.

‘But I am proud of him. He is extremely intelligent compared to other children of his age. His relationship with his cousins is very friendly and funny. He understands his condition but he doesn’t like to talk about it. He just cries when he feels awkward.”

Bayezid also suffers from cutis laxa, a rare connective tissue disorder in which the skin hangs loosely in folds.36B43E5900000578-0-image-m-14_1469803468019

The poor boy doesn’t go to school, despite having above average intelligence, because people in the community stay away from him and other children are scared of him.


Dr. Debashis Bishwas, a consultant from Magura Central Hospital, in Magura, who checked Bayezid has told his parents that he may only have 15 years to live. The doctor also advised them that Bayezid needs specialized care like the one in the hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh capital.

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His father understands that there is no cure for his son’s condition. But because they are poor, he fears his son will not be getting the best possible chance of survival.


He said: ‘His mother is in uncontrollable tears all the time. It has been four years now and nothing has changed. It is so painful to see that our first child suffers a disease we cannot even treat.

‘We’d like more children but we’re too scared. We feel very helpless.

‘Like every other parent, we want our baby to live a long and healthy life but we feel only a miracle will save us now.”

Unfortunately, progeria patients normally die from heart attack or stroke at an average age of 13.

Source: Daily Mail


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