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Useful tips on how to do BVN registration in Nigeria

BVN registration is very important if you want to have continued access to your Nigerian bank account(s). So if you are yet to do your BVN registration, learn how you can do it easily and quickly.

Bank Verification Number (BVN)

Bank Verification Number (BVN) is the biometric identification project enforced by the Central Bank of Nigeria to curb illegal and fraudulent banking activities in Nigeria. This new identification system allows the Central Bank of Nigeria to keep a single biometric database of all Nigerian bank account holders. Every Nigerian bank customer gets a unique Bank Verification Number.

All your bank accounts (if you have more than one) will be linked to this BVN number. Without the Bank Verification Number, you will not be able to use your account or perform any transaction in any of the Nigerian banks. So to make the process of registration easier, we have provided you with tips on how to get your BVN in Nigeria.

READ ALSO: How to check BVN on phone in Nigeria

Central Bank of Nigeria

What do you need to complete your BVN Nigeria registration?

  • Identification document. It can be any of the following: Nigerian National ID Card, International Passport, Driver’s License or Voters’ Registration Card.
  • A recent passport photograph.

How to register

  • Locate any registration
center or visit your local bank branch to pick up your BVN enrolment form.
  • Complete the form and submit it.
  • Your fingerprints and facial photograph will be captured.
  • Once you have been successfully registered into the system, you will be given your unique Bank Verification Number.
  • Bank customers waiting to get their BVN registration done

    Note that you can only get one BVN number and can only enrol once. So keep you BVN number carefully. Also, you cannot get BVN online or and it cannot be done for you in your absence. You have to be present for you to be able to enrol as your fingerprints, signature, and facial photograph will need to be captured.

    We hope this information has been useful for you. If you have any question, you can visit or call your bank’s customer service desk.

    READ ALSO: 5 careless things you do that will give hackers your bank information




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