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Unexpected! Cockroaches can bring money

Are you unhappy with little friends coming to your house? Although it may seem that cockroaches are downright annoying, in fact, they bring a lot of good things into our lives and even can bring money. Are you bewildered and want to know more? Find out some facts about the economic importance of cockroach below.


The world has been blessed with a lot of different insects. Some of them are harmful, such as butterflies, beetles, and bugs which are not so friendly to crops, but some are very productive, like silkworms, earthworms, and honey bees. So what about cockroaches? Are they just annoying little things that only cause disturbance or can people learned to profit from them?

Advantages and disadvantages of cockroaches

A cockroach is definitely among the most popular insects in all regions of the world. You can find them in every country in the world and in the most unexpected places in your house. They inhabit human homes and are most likely found in small, dark areas of your house. They usually come out only at night to find some food and water.

Economic importance of cockroach

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  • Even though cockroaches do not bite, they spread a lot of diseases and lead to unsanitary conditions.
  • They eat a lot of the dirt and trash in your surrounding thereby making the areas ‘cleaner.’
  • If we do not have cockroaches, then people in the disinfection business would not have a job. Usually, for every action, there is a reaction. So, cockroaches and other insects inspire the production of disinfection agents which create jobs for thousands of people.
  • They are more likely to breed in dirty and unhealthy places. So, the presence of a lot of cockroaches in your kitchen or bedroom, for instance, should tell you something about your hygiene.
Cockroach in the kitchen

The economic importance and profit

In Nigeria, the only economic importance of cockroaches is connected with the creation of disinfectants and how these make money for thousands of people. However, other countries have found the way to profit by not killing the insects, but by breeding them

in special farms. Are you shocked?

In China, a lot of farmers make money by breeding thousands of cockroaches. Since cockroach is a delicacy in China, the price of dried cockroaches has risen from $2 per pound to $20. The cockroaches are also used by cosmetics companies and even for cancer treatments.

Ecological importance of cockroach

Chinese richest farmer with six cockroaches farms

For example, one of the richest farmers in China, Mr. Fuming now owns six farms and breeds more than 10 million cockroaches. He appreciates the fact that the reproduction for cockroach is very quick. He sells the cockroaches to drugstores and medical factories for Chinese medicinal purposes.

“With cockroaches, you can invest 20 yuan ($3.25) and get back 150 yuan ($24),” says the farmer.

In Nigeria, this is not a common occurrence. In fact, a wide range of products have been manufactured and professional pest control is a very profitable niche which aim to get rid of insects.

Most of us use professional services and to both prevent and eliminate cockroaches in our houses.

Economic importance of cockroach in our life

The cockroach is one of the most famous insects in the world. Although most people do not like them in their home, they serve some pretty useful purposes. So as you can see, while Nigerians fight with cockroaches, in China, farmers manage to make money from breeding these insects. Maybe in future Nigerians will also find another way to earn money through cockroaches apart from disinfection.

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