Split horizon can be a very effective technique in computer networking. Distance-vector protocols can be very effective if you implement split-horizon route advertisement. If you want to know more about split horizon, then continue reading!
What is split horizon definition?
Split horizon in networking is a special technique which is usually incorporated into distance vector routing protocols. Why do they need this technique? To avoid routing loops! How can split horizon help with this? It prevents the routing path from the advertising to the node from which it came.
The split horizon is a technique which transmits data received only to the forward direction. Therefore, it propagates all the nodes which can be attached. However, it does not affect the router.
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You can find a lot of different paths for the interconnected network, and they are constantly changing. Routers do not tend to be conservative and resist updates. Therefore, they constantly receive up-to-date data which allows them to have new portions of addresses, broken and available paths. In most cases, routing protocols are incorporated with techniques and methods which allow them to advertise their status to the neighboring routers.
The neighbors can then receive constant updates from each other. It’s a very beneficial technique, but it has a downside. It can create what are called network bottlenecks. It happens when the routing logic is not calculated. Therefore, this can result in routing loops.
So what is a split horizon in networking? It’s a technique that helps to prevent these loops from occurring. It’s implemented in a lot of distance vector protocols. It helps to avoid the routing loops by discarding the source of update router. This technique is very similar to route poisoning. It helps the network traffic to stay on the right path and do not flow to the faulty one!
Split Horizon and Poison Reverse
The technique that follows split horizon can be called the split horizon routing with poison reverse. This technique implements a router which actively advertises other routers to its unreachable condition. It’s achieved by setting the route metrics to the infinite numbers. The effect of this technique is obvious! It removes the majority of routing loops in a system. Additionally, it can do that before the loops propagate through the system.
What is the main disadvantage of this routing technique? It can significantly increase the size of the routing announcements. Regardless, it develops, enhances and increases the overall efficiency of the network. Therefore, it acts more effectively in case of faults and errors.
What is the core difference?
Split horizon suggests that a router will not propagate or advertise back to the router in line with the same interface. In the poison reverse, when the same interface router is detected, and it failed, then the router will be poisoned by the number of infinite metrics. After that, the router advertises the poisoned data to its neighbors. Then the neighbours break the law of split horizon and send back the data to the poisoned router.
This technique helps to propagate the poisoned route. Also, it ensures that no routing will occur during this propagation. Other routers will implement the hold-down mechanism in the sequence. Therefore, it prevents the vector loops` from occurring and spreading.
Where can you implement the split horizon method?
The split horizon method is very effective to a lot of computing systems. It can be used by the most distance-based vector protocols. Let’s take a look to the most used:
- RIP – routing information protocol. It’s the oldest distance routing protocol that can help to prevent routing loops. It works more effectively with the split horizon networking.
- IGRP – Interior Gateway Routing Protocol which is used in the most of autonomous systems for today.
- EIGRP –Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol is simply a more developed version of IGRP. Howevew, they can both be used today in various computer network systems.
- VPLS – Virtual Private LAN Service. This system uses the split horizon to avoid loops in the forwarding calculations.
- Babel – The Babel routing protocol that allows the use of split horizon to prevent loops in wired links.
Split horizon in computer networking
Split horizon can be only applied to the distance vector protocols of computer networking. This system allows you to avoid vector loops. How can it affect the overall work of the system? Vector loops can be quite a disaster for every networking system. Also, it can crack down the whole networking structure. To prevent this from happening, the split horizon is used. It can save a lot of time and provide autonomous error-solving for vector loops in various systems.
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Source: Zenithblog.com
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