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Turn your old jumpsuit into a ★new★ dress

Jumpsuits have always had a special place in every woman’s heart. They are cute, comfortable and very trendy. However, sometimes even your favourite jumpsuit can become too boring. What should you do then? Do not even think about throwing it away. You should learn how to turn a jumpsuit into a dress! And we are going to help you with that. Continue reading this article to find out how to make a maxi dress out of a jumpsuit, including all the details of jumpsuit cutting.

How to cut a jumpsuit into a dress

This tutorial will cover the making of a maxi dress out of a long billowy jumpsuit. If you want to make a form-fitting dress, consider getting a tighter jumpsuit. If you want to get a shorter dress, just cut the excess fabric in the end. We also recommend you to get a jumpsuit with a pattern, as it would make it easier to hide the front seam.

Now let’s get to the tutorial!

Things you will need to make a dress out of the jumpsuit

  • a jumpsuit (obviously);
  • a seam ripper/very sharp manicure scissors;
  • regular scissors;
  • pins;
  • needle and thread;
  • a sewing machine.



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  • Before you get to sewing, make sure you wash and iron your jumpsuit. This will help make handling it easier, and the jumpsuit will be crispy clean.
  • Get your seam ripper or sharp manicure scissors and start removing the seams beginning with the crotch, then going all the way down the inside of each leg and finishing with the hems.
  • Turn the ex-jumpsuit inside out and place it on a hanger. Hang it somewhere
so that you can sit/stand/crouch next to it comfortably.
  • When you turned it inside out, you should have noticed that there is a lot of excess fabric where the crotch used to be. What you need to do is get your pins, put two front parts of the pant legs together and pin this excess fabric on both sides.
  • jumpsuit into a dress
    • Check whether it is all even on the right side and repeat the process for the back parts of the pant legs.
    • Take the ex-jumpsuit of the hanger and hand stitch along the pins on both sides. Make sure that there is no puckering happening at the top of each seam. After that, turn the future dress the right side out and try it on. If all is fine, turn it inside out once more and stich the seams with the sewing machine.
    • Cut off the excess fabric from the crotch region. If you want to make your dress shorter, measure the right length (you can eyeball it), cut off the excess and hem the bottom. If you are satisfied with the length, then just hem your dress.
    • Iron the seams from the inside and turn the almost finished dress the right side out. To add a finishing touch, iron it all and put it on. Voila! You are done!

    After all that, you should have a beautiful jumpsuit dress that you made yourself! It was so easy, wasn’t it? From now on, you do not have to decide whether to get a dress or jumpsuit. You can have both! Let us know whether you liked this tutorial and don’t forget to check out our other sewing guides.

    READ ALSO: How to cut and sew a jacket?




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