Tiger nuts are very useful for our health. They contain magnesium, calcium and iron, supply the body with protein and useful fats. In its composition, you can find vitamins B, which is useful for skin, hair and nails. In order to provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, doctors recommend eating 50-70 grams of these vitamins daily or you can try tiger nut drink. It helps to strengthen immunity. If you take it regularly, you will notice that you feel great. The product improves mood, prolongs youth, strengthens the cardiovascular system and increases mental and physical performance. Want to learn more benefits and the recipe of this magic drink? Continue reading!
Yes, tiger nuts are very beneficial for our health. But how do you use them? You can eat them like they are or make some tasty milk! Let’s learn 2 most popular ways for how to make tiger nut milk.
#1. Recipe of Tiger nut drink (Orchad) from Valencia
For 4 cups:
- 250g of tiger nuts (ground almonds);
- 1 liter of good quality water;
- 125 g of sugar;
- ½ cinnamon sticks – optional;
- a small piece of lemon peel – optional.
- Soak the nuts for 12-14 hours.
- Clean, sort (those that float on the surface are thrown away) and wash the nuts.
- Throw the nuts into a bowl.
- Add one glass of water and grind this mixture in a blender.
- Slowly add the rest of the water, mix well and leave for 2-3 hours.
- Filter the mass through a thick sieve, so that no unnecessary particles remain. Add sugar to the filtered and purified mass and mix it well.
- You can add a cinnamon stick and a piece of lemon peel to taste, but if you are making Orchad for the first time, it is better not to add these ingredients.
This drink can be served cold from the refrigerator, or you can simply add ice cubes in it. In any case, Orchad will be very refreshing and tasty. Homemade orchards can be stored for up to 2 days in the refrigerator.
#2. Recipe of Tiger nut drink (Orchad) from Latin America
- 1/2kg of peeled tiger nuts;
- 1/2kg of sugar;
- 1 lemon;
- 1 stick of cinnamon;
- 2.5 liters of warm water.
- Add lemon, salt and cinnamon in the water.
- Then add ground nuts stirring constantly.
- Stir thoroughly.
- Leave it for 2 hours to brew. leave to cool let it get cool.
If you like one of these recipes and you are already thinkiing about making it, then you should know these benefits of tiger nuts.
Nutritional value of tiger nuts
It is a high-calorie peanut. In it, there are vitamins A, B, C and E, starch, fatty oil, sugars, proteins and a set of essential trace elements were found: potassium, sodium, iodine, selenium, copper, iron, phosphorus, zinc. Gluten is not found.
The caloric content of the nut is about 480 calories in 100 grams, of which 54 grams are fats, 18 grams – protein and 13 grams – carbohydrates.
Pharmacological properties
Tiger nuts’ useful properties cannot be overestimated and they are rich in Vitamin B, which contribute to the recovery of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular system. It is believed that the presence of vitamins (especially group C and E) in the nuts contributes to vascular strengthening and it is also an effective antioxidant.
It is also believed that a large amount of oleic acid contained in the oil of the nuts, splits harmful cholesterol and fights arteriosclerosis of the vessels effectively. However, all this is a theory. No scientific studies and experiments have been conducted that prove some of the healing and useful properties of a tiger nut. That is why it is considered a conditionally medicinal plant.
Application in folk medicine
Traditional medicine in different countries say tiger nut has an antibacterial effect on the body. Also, folk herbalists make alcohol based nuts to fight many diseases. Folk medics of the Mediterranean claim that teas from the leaves and nuts, used in raw form, help to remove slags, toxins and radionuclides from the body.
Its oil is popular among traditional healers. It is believed that it has antioxidant properties, helps inhibit the aging of cells, while retaining youth. It also acts as an antiseptic. If the teeth hurt, you can prepare a concoction for rinsing the mouth from the roots of the plant. If one has gum disease, they recommend rubbing the powder from the nodules of the nut. It is believed that the nuts of this plant, thanks to its composition, tone and give energy to the body, restoring lost strength.
Some traditional medics from North Africa recommend taking a concoction from the rhizomes of the nut in combination with the roots of the red peony against urethritis. Those who have restless dreams are recommended to fill their cushions with dried grass and stolons of these nuts. It is interesting that some healers from Asian countries even prepare the milk for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.
The composition of tiger nuts does not include gluten, so it is allowed for people with intolerance to this protein.
Health benefits of tiger nuts
- improves mental abilities;
- increases working capacity, gives a charge of vivacity, inhibits the aging processes of tissues;
- strengthens bone tissue, stimulates absorption in bones;
- increases immunity;
- reduces the level of sugar, “bad” cholesterol, triglycerides in the blood, prevents atherosclerosis, dilates blood vessels, which reduces the likelihood of the formation of blood clots;
- removes radionuclides, toxins from the body;
- normalizes the work of the digestive system, improves metabolism;
- restores the nervous system;
- promotes muscle activity;
- improves mood.
The tincture of tiger nut leaves is similar in its action to the ginseng. It has general restorative, antibacterial and soothing effects on the human body. Concoction made from the roots of the red peony and tiger nut helps with urethritis and reduces toothache (when rinsing). The extract cleanses the intestines.
Tiger nuts, mixed with overcooked chicory, become an excellent alternative to coffee. This drink helps to cheer up and energises the body.
If you regularly take tiger nuts, you should be protected from stress and including all the many medical and physical benefits.
The tiger nuts drink has a strong nutty refreshing taste. It also has a generally restorative and invigorating effect on the human body. Drinking it is not only a pleasant thing, but also a very useful one. Would you try it too?
Source: Zenithblog.com
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