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Awww! Nigerian couple celebrate their honeymoon in the village (photos)

Beautiful photos of a certain couple who decided to spend their honeymoon in the village has gone viral.

Victor Agafenam Chi and his wife, Vivian got married in a colourful wedding two weeks ago.

Instead of embarking on the usual expensive honeymoon experience, they decided to have it in the own little way in Enugu

Newly married Nigerian couple celebrate their honeymoon in the village

Newly married Nigerian couple celebrate their honeymoon in the village: Photo credit: Facebook

Sharing lovely photos of them chilling by a stream in the village, Victor captioned his post;

“Fun fun and more fun all the way. Leave(Honeymoon) is over, work starts tomorrow. It was an exciting moment from Lagos to Enugu to IMO State then to my village. Going back Lagos Tomorrow. Haters and lovers I have equal love for you.”

alt="Newly married Nigerian couple celebrate their honeymoon in the village" class="article-image__picture" height="768" src="" title="Newly married Nigerian couple celebrate their honeymoon in the village" width="1366">

Photo credit: Facebook/Victor Agafenam Chi

Tell us where you would love to spend your own honeymoon.

Meanwhile, TV went to the street to ask men how they would react if a woman rejects marriage proposal in public. Here is what they had to say below:



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