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9 best MTN tariff plans in 2017 to enjoy communication

Are you looking for the best MTN Nigeria tariff plans or the cheapest MTN tariff plan? Do you want to know their benefits? This post contains all necessary information about the tariff plans on MTN network and their codes including benefits of these plans.

MTN, Everywhere you go

MTN is the largest telecommunication network operating in Nigeria. Most of us subscribe to different MTN Nigeria tariff plans depending on our needs. Some people want a plan that will offer them more airtime for voice calls while others want a plan that will offer them more data volume.

So, what is good for one person might not be so good for another. Before you subscribe to any plan, you have to know what it can offer and if it matches your needs. We have compiled all the MTN Nigeria tariff plans we believe are among the best. You can look through them and choose the one you think is the best for you.

MTN tariff plans and their benefits

MTN XtraValue

MTN XtraValue

MTN XtraValue is an all in one voice plus data bundle. This plan can be used by all MTN prepaid subscribers. It offers a combination of the awesome amount of airtime for voice calls and an unbelievable amount of data at the same time. There are two categories of MTN XtraValues and also different price package starting from 300 Naira to 20,000 Naira. The two types of MTN XtraValue are:

  1. XtraTalk Bundles – With XtraTalk Bundles, you get more airtime for voice calls over data volume.
  2. XtraData Bundles – With XtraData Bundles, you get more volume data over airtime for voice calls.

These two types are each available at different sizes: 300 Naira (XS), 500 Naira (S), 1000 Naira (M), 2000 Naira (L), 5000 Naira (XL), 10000 Naira (XXL) 15000 Naira (XXXL), 20000 Naira (XXXXL).

To migrate to MTN XtraValue bundle plan, dial *131*2#. Choose the bundle type you prefer.

After migrating, you can buy any of the bundle sizes available on this plan. For example, if you are buying the 300 Naira worth of XtraValue bundle, text V300 to 131 for 300 Naira worth of XtraTalk or D300 to 131 for 300 Naira worth of XtraData.

Check your bundle balance by dialing *556# or *559*61#.

READ ALSO: Glo tariff plans and their codes

Best MTN tariff plan

MTN Xtra Pro

MTN Xtra Pro is a new tariff plan and it is one of the most affordable MTN tariff plans. This plan allows you to make calls at 11k/sec or 6.60k/min to all mobile networks in Nigeria. The daily access fee to this plan is 5 Naira which will be deducted at your first call. You must have this amount on your phone before you make your first call. If you don’t have up to 5 Naira at your first call, your calls will be charged at 20kobo/sec for that whole day.

Migration code to MTN Xtra Pro is 401. To migrate, dial *401# and select 1. Or you can simply text 401 to 131.

MTN Xtra Special

MTN XtraSpecial tariff plan

MTN Xtra Special Plan is also a new tariff plan that allows MTN subscribers to make calls to all mobile networks in Nigeria at 15kobo/sec or 9 Naira/min. Another benefit of MTN Xtra Special is that you can make international calls to some selected countries at the same rate of 15kobo/sec.

These countries include Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Ireland, Malaysia, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, Thailand, Sweden, South Korea, Israel, Hong Kong, Norway, Pakistan, Romania, Finland, Denmark, Cyprus, Singapore, Malta, Mexico, Bulgaria, and Luxembourg. You also get seven days of free subscription to EPL Video Service.

This tariff plan does not attract a daily access fee, daily or monthly subscription plan.

The Migration code for MTN Xtra Special is 408. To migrate, dial *408# and choose 1 or you can text 408 to 131.

MTN BetaTalk

MTN BetaTalk

MTN BetaTalk is a very cheap prepaid tariff plan for MTN subscribers. This plan gives you 250% bonus worth of airtime every time you recharge 100 Naira and above. You will also get 10MB worth of data volume every week. You will get a bonus of 150% on every recharge below 100 Naira.

Calls to mobile networks within Nigeria will be charged at a rate of 42kobo/sec or N25.20kobo/min from your main account and 45kobo/min or N27/min from your bonus account. Your calls will be charged from your main account after you have exhausted your bonus account or after it


To migrate to MTN BetaTalk, dial *123*2*1# or you can text BT to 131.

MTN TrueTalk+

MTN TrueTalk+ allows MTN subscribers to make calls at cheaper rates. You get to make calls to any mobile network within Nigeria for a rate as low as 11kobo/sec and international calls to selected countries at 20kobo/secs. To know the countries you can call at this rate, dial 12321#. This tariff plan attracts a daily access fee of 5 Naira which is charged once you make your first call of the day.

To migrate to MTN TrueTalk+, you can dial *123*20# or just text TP to 131.

MTN Pulse

MTN Pulse

MTN just recently relaunched the MTN Pulse tariff plan. It was formerly called MTN iPulse prepaid tariff. This plan is the best for every young person who wants to enjoy everything from voice calls, data volume to entertainments.

On this plan, your first call to another MTN number will be charged at 40kobo/sec for the first minute. Your remaining calls to other MTN numbers that day will be charged at the rate of 15kobo/sec or 11kobo/sec. 15kobo/sec is for calls you make outside a school campus while 11kobo/sec is for calls you make from a school campus after the first 1-minute call for the day.

The same thing is also applicable to calls you make to other mobile networks in Nigeria. The first-minute call is charged at 40kobo/sec and subsequent calls and minute at 11kobo/sec or 15kobo/sec.

Other benefits of MTN Pulse tariff plan include:

  • Music streaming on the Music+ at 10 Naira per day.
  • Happy hour night browsing charged at 25 Naira per day.
  • You will get a 100% data bonus when you purchase 500MB weekly bundle.
  • Also, you will receive data bonus on recharge.

To migrate to MTN Pulse tariff plan, you can dial *406# or just text 406 to 131.

MTN SuperSaver Plus

MTN SuperSaver

MTN SuperSaver Plus is one of MTN’s special tariff plans that allows you to make calls to any local network at a cheap rate of 15kobo/sec after you have been charged 40kobo/sec in your first minute of the call to any MTN number and other networks respectively. MTN SuperSave has no daily access fee or monthly subscription fee.

You will also enjoy free happy hour calls to MTN numbers from 0:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. daily. You must have a minimum balance of 100 Naira in your account before you can enjoy Free Happy Hour Calls.

To migrate, you can text 408 to 131 or just dial *408*1#.

MTN Awuf4U

MTN Awuf4U

MTN Awuf4U is a special offer from MTN. This offer allows customers to get a reward of 300% airtime bonus on every recharge worth of 100 Naira and above, or 200% on every recharge below 100 Naira. To get this special offer, you have to recharge using the special code *888*PIN# or recharge via VTU.

Other benefits include international calls to twenty-eight selected destinations, pay as you go data browsing and 75 SMS every week.

MTN Awuf4U1

MTN StartPack

MTN StartPack is the special tariff plan for new MTN users. This tariff plan gives new MTN subscribers 500% bonus on every recharge of 100 Naira and above. You can browse the Internet using pay as you go rate with the airtime bonus. The airtime bonus has a validity of seven days. MTN new subscribers get to enjoy this for six months. Your plan will automatically migrate to MTN BetaTalk tariff plan after the six months.

To check your bonus balance, you can dial *559*17#.

MTN Startpack

These are the best MTN tariff plans in 2017. You can choose any one of these plans depending on what you need: more airtime for voice calls or more data volume.

READ ALSO: How to stop MTN auto renewal subscription?



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