Marriage is one of the most celebrated institutions in the world. Regardless of the society in which you live in or the place where you come from, one gets to see a likelihood of what marriage entails.
To many people, this institution is sacred and must be revered. Therefore, in a bid to show how much this institution is held in great esteem, there are various ceremonies that are held.
Most times, these ceremonies are of a religious look, others times they are from the cultural and traditional background; while in other cases they are just as the law of the land demands.
Whether it is religious, traditional/cultural or otherwise, we bring to you, 9 of the strangest wedding ceremonies ever.
These weddings show how divergent in view the human race is.
9. Marrying the tree
In India, ladies are married to trees, just to ward off evil spirits
In India women born as Mangliks (an astrological combination when Mars and Saturn are both under the 7th house) are thought to be cursed and likely to cause their husband an early death.
In order to ward of this curse they must be married first…to a tree.
The tree is then destroyed and the curse is broken. Poor tree.
8. Stealing the shoes
In some parts of India the groom is required to take off his shoes before approaching the wedding altar.
In some parts of India, it is a special thing for a relative to steal the shoes of the groom to be
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As soon as he does this mayhem ensues. Everyone from the bride’s side of the family tries to steal them while everyone from the groom’s side of the family tries to protect them.
If the bride’s family succeeds in their endeavor, then they are allowed to hold the shoes hostage until they get paid a ransom.
7. Breaking the china
In some countries the guests bring the bride and groom new dishes as gifts.
In some parts of Europe, it is believe that evil spirits are wadded off when chinaware is deliberately broken
In Germany the guests do the same…and then they smash them. Supposedly the noise scares away evil spirits.
6. Animal love
Top 10 most weird wedding traditions of the world
Although no country in the world officially recognizes human/animal marriages it is practiced in many countries like India to ward off bad spirits.
5. Motherly
Some villages in Africa require an older woman to accompany the newlyweds into their bedroom on the first night of their marriage in order to “show the bride the ropes”.
Although this is usually a village elder, sometimes it can be the brides own mother.
And you thought your parents were nosy.
4. No comedy
In congo, wedding is a serious business, no time for smiles
In the Congo, if you want to ruin someone’s wedding just hire a comedian. In order for the marriage to be taken seriously the bride and groom are not allowed to smile throughout the entire ceremony.
3. Kidnap the bride
Top 10 most weird wedding traditions of the world
Practiced in many countries throughout Africa and Asia it can often lead into woman being defiled and/or forced into marriage, especially in nations like Rwanda.
2. Charivari
Charivari is mostly practiced in France
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In France the friends and family of the newlyweds congregate outside the newlyweds home on the first night of their marriage while proceeding to bang on pot and pans, yell, and just in general be as annoying as possible.
Not only would this complicate the whole “lets be romantic” thing, the newlyweds are also required to go outside and appease them with snacks and drinks
1. Balaka
Balaka is often practiced in Korea
When a wedding is over in Korea, friends of the groom remove his socks, tie a rope around his ankles and start beating his feet with fish in order to prepare him for his first night as a married man.
Maybe we’re missing something?
Below is a video in which Banky W and Adesua’s love story is x-rayed.
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