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Kenyan woman goes viral after publicly turning down her boo's romantic proposal (video, photos)

– One of the worst nightmares is getting embarrassed in public especially by your significant other

– This happened to a Kenyan man as he proposed to his girlfriend. She got shy and walked out on him mid-proposal

A Kenyan man identified as Alfie had the nightmare of his life while attempting to propose to his woman inside a packed eatery in Nairobi.

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The two lovers had been spending a calm afternoon in town before the guy decided to buy her lunch at the chicken Inn in town.


The two lovers in a photo taken before the proposal inside the eatery.

Fridays are busy for the fast food eatery which was packed to the brim. In a video seen by, Alfie gave his girlfriend beautiful flowers before going gown on one knee to propose.

Unfortunately, shewas embarrassed by the unfolding spectacle was not having any of that sentimental feelings.

All this time, everyone had stopped eating. All eyes were on the couple in hopes that it would have a happy ending.

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As everyone watched the unfolding drama, the guy fished a

ring from his pocket and said the magic words

In the video, women can be heard trying to encourage the woman to say yes even as the lady stood there very confused.

Romantic proposal goes horribly wrong inside Chicken Inn in town (video)

The discarded ring and the bouquet of flowers

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Unfortunately, the girl gave up on the proposal and walked off leaving him confused and possibly heartbroken.

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