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How much do civil defence officers ₦ earn?

Serving one’s country is a noble cause, but does it pay the bills? If you have ever considered joining the military forces, you probably asked yourself that question. Nigerian Civil Defence Corps often launch recruitment campaigns, and even though they are not currently hiring, we want to share with you the information on the civil defence officer salaries for future reference.

Nigeria Civil Defence corps

What is NSCDC?


The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps is a militarized organisation under the Nigerian Government, whose purpose is to protect the country and its citizens from any sort of threat. They work with the Nigerian police to provide help in case of an attack or any dangerous situation. Civil defence officers are allowed (and required) to carry weapons.

NSCDC, was first created back in 1967, when the Civil War first began. They were meant to protect people from the threat and to educate citizens about how to behave during such situation. When the war was over, the Committee became what was now known as Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps. They were granted legal authority by 2003 Act 3 and 2007 Act 6.

Rank structure of Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps

Nigeria Civil Defence corps ranks

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As with any other military organization, NSCDC has a hierarchy. Below you can see the ranks presented from highest to lowest rank.

Level 18. Commandant General (CG).

Lvl 17. Deputy Commandant General (DCG).

Lvl 16. Assistant Commandant General (ACG).

Lvl 15. Chief Commander (CC).

Lvl 14. Deputy Commander (DC).

Lvl 13. Assistant Commander


Lvl 12. Chief Superintendent Cadre (CSC).

Lvl 11. Superintendent Cadre (SC).

Lvl 10. Deputy Superintendent Cadre (DSC).

Lvl 9. Assist. Superintendent Cadre I (ASC I).

Lvl 8. Assist. Superintendent Cadre II (ASC II).

Levels 6 through 12. Inspectorate Cadre (CIC, DCIC, ACIC, PIC, SIC, IC, AIC).

Levels 2 through 5. Assistant Cadre (CAI, CAII, CAIII).

If you have a Higher National Diploma, you start at Level 7. If you have graduated from the university, you go straight to Level 8. Master’s Degree holders and lawyers start at Level 9, and medical doctors go on Level 12.

Civil defence officer salary

Civil Defence officers

You were probably wondering when we were going to get to the good part. Well, here it is.

Based on the level system mentioned above, every officer has a different pay rate, depending on their rank. For example, Level 7 Inspectorate Cadre receives about ₦69, 000 per month. At the same time, Level 8 Assist. Superintendent Cadre receives about ₦121, 000 monthly. One level can make a world of difference.

Now that you know how much you can get for serving in the Civil Defence Corps, you can decide whether it is (or isn’t) for you. However, if you are ready to apply this instant, hold your horses, as they are not currently recruiting (as of June, 2017). So visit their website ( from time to time, or sign up for their newsletter to know about the latest announcements.

READ ALSO: Nigerian police ranks and their salaries



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