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9-year-old Boy Gets Soaked in Gasoline and Set on Fire in His Home you will be shocked why

In what will come across as a rather shocking development, a young boy has been found out to have been set on fire after being drenched in gasoline.
Firefighters at the scene of the incident

A young American boy has been set on fire.

The boy was found burning in his home at night.

According to CBS news, when firefighters responded to a house fire at the boy’s home, they found the 9-year-old boy soaked in gasoline and on fire.

The boy suffered second and third-degree burns.

He was taken by ambulance to the local high school where a helicopter was waiting to transport him to the hospital.

Fire crews responded to the call in Little Axe, OK, in Oklahoma,USA, around 6 p.m. Saturday night. They say they aren’t certain how or why there was gasoline on the boy.

Authorities did not say if there were any other injuries.


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