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OAP Freeze gets reply for saying people should stop going to churches that blame everything on evil spirits

According to OAP Freeze, a follower has constructively written his own side of what he thinks about what he wrote yesterday.


Read after the cut…

Someone responded to my article on the owl that was killed and labeled a witch.
He wrote politely and constructively, so despite the fact that I disagree with his view, and believe that manipulative churches have helped our fertile imagination create monsters that don’t exist, I will still share his response and allow you to choose between my view and his.
Sir You are very right in your article. These things are just birds. They should be allowed to live.

That’s because you are so blessed you don’t come from a family that’s hunted by guys in the dark world.

You blessed when you have things work easily for you.
You have seen when you have seen in Ikotun Market. Or maybe you were told.
But I have seen birds land on people’s houses and members of the family start dying.
I have heard owls scream at night and someone inside the house at the same time the owl screams he has migraine for the rest of the night.

I have seen birds. Snakes. Cats. I have seen how powers and principalities take them over and use them to harm people.

This particular owl may be innocent.
But it doesn’t put a lie to the fact that they are easily possessed by forces of darkness.
So when you read this kind of stories, don’t form Animal activist, don’t think the people lack knowledge; don’t curse the stupid churches… When you read this kind of stories, get on your knees and bless the Lord God of heaven for making you Freeze of Cool FM and not some Adigun of some villages under the control of some forces.

When you read these stories look up to heaven and tell God Thank You, for His divine protection on your life.

Because it’s either he is not allowing the forces of wickedness to find you or He is simply shielding you from their attacks.

One last question, have you killed a bird in your compound and you turn round to tell your friends you have killed it. And then you turn back to pick it and it’s not there. Yet it’s blood still stains the floor?

If you haven’t, when you see these stories Thank God; don’t criticise men. ~ Uncle speed of Aftica.


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