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I wiped my face very well to make sure I wasn’t
dreaming. On the driver seat was Eve, my ex
girlfriend. How come? I asked myself. Did her new
boo got a car for her? Na senator? Range Rover ke?
Even if I saved all my money for the next ten years,
I cannot buy a Range Rover and maintain it for a month.
Eve: Wally mon ami…. Longest time
She recalled me back to earth. I looked away for a
while and moved away, pretending to be hailing a
keke. She turned off the ignition and stepped down
from her car.
Eve: You de form ajebo abii?
I looked at her, head to toe. OMG! She was looking
Me: How can I help you?
Eve: Hug me first na. Your babe don port oooo. I
don port oooooo. Me: Pardon?
Eve: You still de vex for me?
Eve was my girl from secondary school before she
got admission in UNIZIK while I was still hustling
my way to write another jamb. By the time I got into
school, she was already in her 2nd year and was now forming Bigger girl for me. After a while, we
had a little issue when I saw her nude photos in
someone else phone. Then I never saw her again in
school. That was about 3yrs ago and I was now in
my final year. Here she was, in a car, not just a car,
but a Range Rover.
Me: I don’t get you
Eve: As you see me so, you no dey surprise? After
all those years we spent together. How you will
f–k me in the school toilet during break period
and how you nearly broke Kcee’s head because he
touched my nyash after Waec and you think I will forget you.
She began crying and I pitied her. I took her hand.
Me: Eve where ve you been?? How could you’ve left
without a message? Is it fair enough?
I drew her close and gave her a bear hug. We stood
that way for 2mins before she took my face and kissed me. I pulled away from her.
Me: I have a lecture this morning
Eve: is that why you couldn’t lemme kiss you?
Me: We ain’t seeing each other again. I love been
sincere and who knows what you’ve been doing
where you were. Eve: Lemme drop you off.
Me: No, thanks. I will stop a cab.
She watched as I stopped a keke and entered. I
waved at her as the keke sped off…….
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