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Must Read : See Four Foods That Burn Stubborn Belly Fat Fast and Make Your Tummy Flat


Looking for a way to burn that stubborn fat fast without exercising? Here are the foods that you can eat to get you there.
Are you looking to get an impressive six-pack, then read as Dailystar elaborates on these must eat four foods to burn stubborn belly fat fast.
But there are some easy everyday swaps that can help blitz stubborn belly fat. A worrying nationwide survey of more than 45,000 women found that almost 60% said they “hated” the way they looked.
The body parts ladies are most unhappy with are their “muffin tops” and “love handles”, followed by their breasts. And despite a survey revealing that 38% of women favour having sex with plus-size men, lads still despise their beer bellies.
So here are four simple ways you can help beat the bulge without going to the gym:
This Christmas favourite should be part of your diet all year round. While saturated fats increase the storage of fat in the belly, polyunsaturated fats, found in walnuts, can actually help shift the pounds.
Sprinkle a handful on your morning porridge, add a scoop to your lunchtime salad or just snack on them throughout the day to help blitz belly fat.
Eating more of the right type of carbs can help shift stubborn fat. In fact, research has revealed that people who regularly eat whole grains have the smallest waists.
The Tufts University study found that participants who ate three or more servings of whole grains per day (oats, quinoa, brown rice, wheat) had 10% less belly fat than people who ate the same amount of calories from refined carbs (white stuff: bread, rice, pasta).
While eating too much salt can cause raised blood pressure and even stomach cancer, pepper is a healthy, fat-burning ninja.
A powerful compound found in black pepper called piperine has been used for centuries in Eastern medicine to treat multiple health conditions including inflammation and tummy troubles.
It also has the ability to decrease inflammation and can interfere with the formation of new fat cells, therefore reducing belly size, body fat levels and even cholesterol. Pass the pepper please!
Beans, beans, they’re good for your….waistline. Beans are rich in soluble fibre, which can reduce the production of stomach fat, according to recent research.
The study, by Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, found that for every 10-gram increase in soluble fibre eaten per day, visceral fat reduced by 3.7% over five years.
To get the maximum amount of nutrition try adding a can of mixed beans to your next chilli con carne.
Just what you’ve always wanted to hear – you can literally lose weight lying down. Okay, this may not be a food, but getting more sleep can help you lose weight too.
This is because, when you’re tired your body produces more of the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin, meaning you are more likely to crave the bad stuff.
Losing sleep can also alter your hormone production, which affects your cortisol levels and can cause insulin sensitivity – one of the main offenders when it comes to seemingly unmovable belly flab.
If you get a healthy eight-hours-a-night and you’re well rested you are much less likely to gorge on sugary, greasy snacks – and your abs will thank you.
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